Sunday, December 29, 2019
Walter Whitman Research Paper Outline Draft - 538 Words
Thesis: People who read about Walter Whitman tend to say that he had a good life until his mother pass and his book Leaves of Grass in a book about his life and what he went through. Introduction: Walt Whitman was an American poet from West Hills, Long Island New York. He wrote plenty of poems for the New York Times Journal newspaper also known for the famous book Leaves of Grass that had nine editions and is more than one book. The book Leaves of Grass was published in 1888 when he was finally done with all nine editions and he had passed after publishing the ninth edition. Biography: Paragraph 1: Walter Whitman Jr. born on May 31, 1819 in West Hills, Long Island, New York and his mother name was Louisa Vanvesor and she was Dutch†¦show more content†¦Paragraph 6: At one point he called for the abolition of slavery, but later he saw the abolitionist movement as a threat to democracy. One of his poems was about an egalitarian view of the races and his attitude in life refl ected many of the racial prejudices common to the nineteenth -century his opposition to slavery was not necessarily based on belief in the equality of races. Paragraph 7: Whitman was adherent of the Shakespeare authorship question, refusing to believe in historic attribution of the works to William Shakespeare of Stafford upon Avon. In his November boughs he commented regarding Shakespeares historical plays. Paragraph 8: Walt has been claimed as Americans first poet of democracy a title meant to reflect his ability to write in a singularly American character. He considered himself a messiah like figure in poetry. He was deeply influenced by deism. He denied any one faith was more important than another and embraced all religions equally. L Paragraph 9:Whitman sexuality was judged rather he was homosexual or bisexual people that because of the way he wrote on his poems most of his poems were depicts love and sexuality in a more earthy individualistic way. Though Leaves of Grass was often labeled pornographic or obscene. Paragraph 10: Whitman was a vocal proponent of temperance and his youth rarely drank alcohol. His first taste of strong liquor was in his thirties and occasionally argued for prohibition. One of his earliest long fictionShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesFoundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management 577 Appendix A Research in Organizational Behavior Comprehensive Cases Indexes Glindex 637 663 616 623 Contents Preface xxii 1 1 Introduction What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 4 What Managers Do 5 ManagementRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words  | 960 Pagesor all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Managing information technology / Carol V. Brown . . . [et al.].  7th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-214632-6 (alk. paper) ISBN-10: 0-13-214632-0 (alk. paper) 1. Management information systems. I. Brown, Carol V. (Carol Vanderbilt), 1945T58.6.M3568 2012 658.4038011â€â€dc22 2010048598 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 10: 0-13-214632-0 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-214632-6 BRIEF CONTENTS Chapter
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Racism Is Not As Cruel Essay - 1679 Words
Racism is defined as â€Å"Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one s own race is superior†(Oxford dictionary, 2016). It is obvious that racism in America is not as cruel as how it use to be many decades ago, as someone’s skin colour or beliefs cannot dictate his or her own rights and freedom. However, racism has never gone away, it remains an issue and a struggle to this day. Numerous people may believe that America has transformed into a country of colour blindness and are accepting of any race; however, to those people, this issue may go unnoticed, as they believe that racism is only seen in the past. To those people who are directly impacted by racism, it has always been a major issue from the very start till the now. African-Americans or any minority of different racial groups face several challenges in their everyday life, like the difference in income, education, health, and criminal justi ce. This essay will outline the main problems of racism that still occur in the community of African-Americans, particularly focusing on racial profiling, shooting of unarmed black citizens and different criminal justice that has been unfairly justified. Racial profiling is the practice of law enforcement officers targeting individuals for suspicion of criminal activity based on their race, colour, ethnicity or religion (National Institute of Justice, 2013). This is a crime prevention method that is premised onShow MoreRelated Huck Finn Racism Essay723 Words  | 3 PagesHuck Finn Racism The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a Mark Twain classic, wonderfully demonstrates pre-Civil War attitudes about blacks held by whites. Twain demonstrates these attitudes through the actions and the speech of Huckleberry Finn, the narrator, and Jim, Miss Watsons slave. These two main characters share a relationship that progresses from an acquaintance to a friendship throughout the novel. It is through this relationship that Mark Twain gives his readers the realizationRead More Cruelty of Society in Frankenstein, Master Harold, and An Enemy of the People712 Words  | 3 PagesIn Frankenstein, society is cruel and hateful to the monster because he looks different than other people. In An Enemy of the People, society persecutes Dr. Stockman because he attempts to gain support for the repair of the Baths. The stories that are presented here illustrate the cruelty and hatefulness of society. In â€Å"Master Harold††¦and the Boys, the cruelty of society is depicted in the form of racism. The story takes place in South Africa, a place where racism is prevalent. Hally is a seventeen-year-oldRead MoreSociety, Now and Then757 Words  | 3 PagesThroughout history, racism has existed for as long as anyone can remember. Racism has no equality, no color and no favor for anybody. We drive behind the wheel of racism. In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain, he explains the truth about what racism really was like in past times. Due to the strong detailed language used throughout the text, many debate on whether we should allow our students read this text or not. I believe we should continue to present this novelRead MoreThe Grass Is Singing By Doris Lessing1306 Words  | 6 PagesDoris Lessing, author of The Grass is Singing, published in 1950 targets the death of Mary, a female farmer and a lovely wife. During the 1940s in South Af rica, the novel associates with prejudice and racism and shows the conflict in the African society during that period of time. The Grass is Singing begins with two people finding Mary Turner’s dead body, who is found dead on the porch of her house. The people of the town, instead of telling people about Mary’s dead body they stay quiet and keepRead MoreThe Death Penalty : A Terrible Scar On American Justice1534 Words  | 7 Pagesis more controversial now than ever before, because society has changed. The founding fathers of the U.S. wrote in the eighth amendment that all citizens had the right to be protected from cruel and unusual punishment. As time goes on, more and more people agree with the statement that capital punishment is cruel and unusual, and want it abolished. On the other hand, more and more people are starting to think that the death penalty is needed in society. Regardless of everybody’s thanatophobia, or fearRead MoreEssay on Capital Punishment in the United States 598 Words  | 3 Pagesyears with over 15,600 executions since 1608, most executions were completed though hangings; however, beginning in the 1900s new forms of execution developed. Although the death penalty is said to be more expensive, unethical, racially unfair, and cruel, than life without parole, each is flawed in its assumption. First, the cost of executing a person is far higher than that of giving them life without parole. This is only because of the cost of the endless appeals, making the average time spentRead MoreEssay about Korean Dog Eating Tradition1179 Words  | 5 Pagesthis article, Saletan effectively deconstructs the opposing arguments and makes the strong counter-point on logical, moral, and emotional grounds, that the movement to outlaw dog meat in South Korea has an undercurrent of cultural arrogance and even racism. The strongest argument against the dog meat industry centers on the treatment of the dogs that are often killed by ?beating, strangling, [and] boiling? instead of more humane methods such as electrocution. Unnecessary cruelty against animals isRead MoreCommentary on Mark Twain ´s Huckleberry Finn742 Words  | 3 Pagesbook has been rejected by many schools, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is essential to the high school curriculum. Not only does it teach about the problems of slavery and racism but it also shows the impact society has on people. In addition, it stresses the importance of individuality in the novel. Slavery and racism are problems that have been faced before. Although these problems are not as serious now, they are still evident. In the novel, Huck and Jim are travelling down the MississippiRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain971 Words  | 4 Pagesin society who push change through the use of their novels. Usually they shed light on topics that are not well discussed and/or try to correct a social norm which is unjust. In Mark Twain’s classic The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, slavery and racism are portrayed in a humorous light through the eyes of a child. Twain could have narrated his own story about critiquing American society, but when he uses Huck to recount, he is given the freedom to write about the obvious injustices of slavery andRead MoreArgumentative Against Death Penalty1546 Words  | 7 Pagesabolished for the following reasons. 1) It violates the Eight Amendment of the use of cruel and unusual punishment, for which the Supreme Co urt has vacillated. 2) It is a form of premeditated murder. 3) It promotes racism. 4) It can be administered to innocent individuals through tainted evidence. 5) The death penalty does not deter criminals from committing violent crimes. The death penalty is a form of cruel and unusual punishment that violates citizen’s Eighth Amendment which has forced the
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Fresh Food vs Canned Food free essay sample
Fresh Foods versus Canned Foods Eating is an activity that we as humans do at least two times a day. We live in a world where the variety of food is immense, and we are responsible for what we eat. We decide what we are about to eat and how it will affect our bodies. However, each food differs from one to another. For example are the fresh food and the canned food. Fresh foods and canned foods are two kinds of different types of food that have their own benefits and disadvantages. The most notable difference between these two kinds of foods is their flavor. Fresh food have great flavor because they keep their natural conditions. Canned foods however, lack a lot of its flavor characteristic because there are some other chemical products added to the natural foods. Comparing both types of foods we can notice another difference. That is the health factor that affects our bodies. We will write a custom essay sample on Fresh Food vs Canned Food or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While the fresh food keep their original freshness and flavor, canned foods lose some of the original fresh food nutrients when stored, and also it has chemical ingredient when consumed too much will become toxin in our bodies. Another difference between these two types of food is the cost. Canned foods are much more expensive than the fresh foods. In contrast to the cost, canned foods are easier to find, they also require less work to prepare than fresh food. As we can see there are three main differences between the fresh foods and the canned foods. However, the main reason we chose our foods lies on our personal choice, based on time each person has, the money and the importance we give to our nutrition and health. Therefore it is important that you consider your possibilities and choose the best type of food for your convenience and life style. Fresh Food vs Canned Food free essay sample We live in a world where the variety of food is immense, and we are responsible for what we eat. We decide what we are about to eat and how it will affect our bodies. However, each food differs from one to another. For example are the fresh food and the canned food. Fresh foods and canned foods are two kinds of different types of food that have their own benefits and disadvantages. The most notable difference between these two kinds of foods is their flavor. Fresh food have great flavor because they keep their natural conditions. Canned foods however, lack a lot of its flavor characteristic because there are some other chemical products added to the natural foods. Comparing both types of foods we can notice another difference. That is the health factor that affects our bodies. While the fresh food keep their original freshness and flavor, canned foods lose some of the original fresh food nutrients when stored, and also it has chemical ingredient when consumed too much will become toxin in our bodies. We will write a custom essay sample on Fresh Food vs Canned Food or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another difference between these two types of food is the cost. Canned foods are much more expensive than the fresh foods. In contrast to the cost, canned foods are easier to find, they also require less work to prepare than fresh food. As we can see there are three main differences between the fresh foods and the canned foods. However, the main reason we chose our foods lies on our personal choice, based on time each person has, the money and the importance we give to our nutrition and health. Therefore it is important that you consider your possibilities and choose the best type of food for your convenience and life style.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Debate on Greater Regulatory Oversight of the Aged Care Services
Question: Debate on Greater Regulatory Oversight of the Aged Care Services is Crucial for Improving Standards of Care. Answer: I would like to begin by concurring with the assertion that the provision of aged-care services is a very challenging task. It can create lots of complexities as far as the ethical and legal requirements are concerned. However, I would like to oppose this debate by saying that the improvement of standards of care for the elderly persons can only be guaranteed by the enforcement of greater regulatory oversight. I argue against greater regulations of the aged-care because it is an unnecessary thing to do because it can put the healthcare providers in an ethical dilemma. It cannot guarantee high quality services to the elderly patients because no regulations can assure a fair distribution of healthcare services to the elderly. I prefer the application of liberalism and Quality?Adjusted Life Year (QALY) strategy in the allocation of healthcare resources. It is the most appropriate ethical approach to adopt because it will enhance a proper distribution of healthcare personnel, equipments, training opportunities, supplies, and machines to the aging (Lamb, 2015). The elderly patients are so sensitive because have complex conditions that require an uncompromised quality of health care (Donato Segal, 2013). Whereas regulation sets out terms and requirement to care for the aged, it does not adequately address how resource acquisition and allocation is done. Therefore, healthcare providers are likely to face enormous task to mobilize resources (WHO, 2016). And even if resources are available, the greater challenge would be on how to account for all the materials allocated to cater for the healthcare of the aged. Likewise, the elderly have constitutional rights which enable them to access and benefit from healthcare services. Imposing regulatory policy is like reaffirming the constitution. In whatever condition, the constitution is supposed to be supreme law which protects the aged with respect to healthcare needs which they might require. Again, despite the existence of various regulations which not only protect the aged but also other populations, there is lack of strong evidence which to support improved healthcare services. Moreover, regulations alone without enough civic education are unlikely to create positive impacts concerning quality of healthcare the aged received (Lamb, 2015).What is most important is a society with strong value towards the aged. When people inculcate appropriate values which ensure that healthcare needs for the elderly are highly prioritized, regulations might not be necessary. All people including the aged need a dignified life (Hope, Dickfos King, 2016).The international charter on the rights of the human being recognizes that healthcare is a fundamental claim which people must enjoy. Therefore, regulatory policies are not significant. In conclusion, I stand my ground that greater regulation of the aged-care is inappropriate. Although the regulations play a significant role of setting universal standards and improving the efficiency, quality, and safety of the patients, greater regulation of the aged-care cannot achieve such thing. Instead, it can only cause unnecessary barriers and confusions that only derail the efficiency of healthcare services to the aged. It cannot guarantee high quality services and even distribution of healthcare resources to the aging persons. Lack of strict regulations should therefore not be a more serious problem than resource allocation. References DiCenso, A.; Cullum, N. Ciliska, D. (2011). Implementing evidence-based nursing: some misconceptions. Evidence Based Nursing 1 (2): 3840. doi:10.1136/ebn.1.2.38. Donato, R. Segal, L. (2013). Does Australia have the appropriate health reform agenda to close the gap in Indigenous health?. Australian Health Review, 37(2), pp.232-238. Fairman, J. A., Rowe, J. W., Hassmiller, S., Shalala, D. E. (2011). Broadening the scope of nursing practice. New England Journal of Medicine, 364(3), 193-196. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol19No02Man02. Hope, D. L., Dickfos, S., King, M. (2016). Legal gems: Provision of Schedule 3 medicines. Australian Pharmacist, 35(4), 71. Lamb, G., (2015.) Overview and Summary: Care Coordination: Benefits of Interprofessional Collaboration. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 20, No. 3, Overview and Summary. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol20No03ManOS World Health Organization. (2016). Policy Roundtable on Strengthening Health Workforce Regulation, Melbourne, Australia, 19-20 September 2016: meeting report. Manila: WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Ask a Literary Publicist Submit Your Questions
Ask a Literary Publicist Submit Your Questions Ask an Award-Winning Literary Publicist: Submit Your Questions Book publicity is one of the toughest skills to master as a self-publishing author. With the sheer number of titles being released every year - and with the decline of book features and reviews in traditional media - it's becoming harder for independent authors to 'place' their stories. With this in mind, we wanted to shed some light on the topic and help writers better understand their realistic publicity options.Sandra Goroff is a veteran award-winning literary publicist. In her 30-year (and counting!) career, she has worked in-house at Houghton Mifflin and represented authors the likes of Clive Cussler, Maurice Sendak, Chris Van Allsburg, Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas, and former president Jimmy Carter. Over the next few weeks, Sandra will be answering your questions on book publicity in a recurring blog segment that we're (predictably) calling "Ask an Award Winning Publicist."How can I submit a question? Questions, thoughts, opinions? Feel free to share them all in the comments below.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Re-Emergence of a Two Party System essays
Re-Emergence of a Two Party System essays In 1824, there were four candidates for the President of the United States. At this time only one party existed, the Democratic-Republicans. This would soon change. The parties were soon to separate into the Whig Party and Jacksonian-Democratic Party, or Democratic Party. Northern industrialists and merchants supported the Whigs; and they were more in favor of federal government involvement in the national economy. The common people and machine politicians in the East supported the Democrats; and they believed in absolute political freedom. Some of the topics that contributed to the spilt into two parties were major political figures of that time period, the states rights debate, and economic issues, policies, and problems. The factors that contributed the most to the reemergence of a two party system were the major political figures of that time period. Some of the major political figures of that time period were Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, John Q. Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, John C. Calhoun and Robert Hayne. In 1828, Andrew Jackson beat John Q. Adams in the presidential election. This led to many anti-Jackson feelings and started the roots of a new political party, which would come to be known as the Whigs. Jackson believed the main decision making power in the country should lie in the hands of the national government. Another political party was created under the leadership of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, in 1832. They supported John Q. Adams and were anti-Jackson. Daniel Webster was the senator of Massachusetts and Henry Clay was Speaker of the House. John C. Calhoun as one of the leaders of the Democratic Party. He was vice-president under John Q. Adams. He believed that nullification was the only means of protecting Southern rights. Robert Hayne was from South Carolina and he represented states rights. He was one of Calhouns protgs. He was a senator and he blast...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Illinois laws for educating incarcerated students Research Paper
Illinois laws for educating incarcerated students - Research Paper Example (Illinois 1833). Incarcerated students get in trouble due to poverty, substance abuse issues, chaotic schools and dysfunctional families and the rate of recidivism has been going high each new day. Therefore the State of Illinois decided to educate them and help correct their ways. This is with an aim of equipping them with knowledge and skills that will help them find work and earn a living making them respectable members of the society. It sad that nearly 55% of the youth who are incarcerated end up back in the correctional facilities before 12 months are over. The Illinois laws for educating incarcerated students therefore were enacted help reduce this numbers and give this young people a life (Meiners, 2007). Research shows that there is an overrepresentation of incarcerated juveniles both in long and short term correctional facilities. This study results have done little to change the special program that is offered in many juvenile facilities in the State of Illinois. They are lacking in facilities and services that are mandated and required by the federal law. The State law lacks many provisions that are supposed to support these children before they are released back into the public. There many legal difficulties that faces correctional facilities for them to be able to offer special education for incarcerated juveniles with disabilities. The laws that exist do not protect the rights of incarcerated juveniles as they are supposed to (Law, & Whitehorn 2012). The Education for all Handicapped Children Act was reauthorized in 1997 and given a title Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and later changed recently in 2004 to Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA). Each change has seen the law change the type of special programs and services that are available for incarcerated students. They do not consider the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
History and Its Impact on Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
History and Its Impact on Art - Essay Example Bernini’s sense of artistry was most revered by the religious sector during his time, often get hired by the monarchs of the kingdom to design churches and depict political allegories. For the most part, the sculpted statues of these three artists are all nude and had some political implications. It is just fair to concede that these artists were pillars of boldness in terms of political practices. [Student’s Last Name] 2 The Spanish, Dutch and French Baroque and its Influences on Wealth and Power The Dutch Baroque was considered to be the country's golden age - a period of astonishing wealth and the communal unity of the commercial class. A booming international trade boosted the Dutch's typical type of living. In addition, a strong average class of market for present-day art was the key to the flourishing of the economic situations in other countries like Spain and France and these arts depict overall prosperity of products like spices, glass, etc. There was also a su rging patronage on artistic works by average income class families. The paintings during this period of time were mostly inspired by the propagandistic paintings of the minister Cardinal Richilieu and the more introspective paintings of people affiliated to the Jansenist group. The Asia – Europe Arts The spreading out of Europe to Asia was urged by the yearning for spices and other Asian products. Nevertheless, its consequence surpassed the plain bartering of commodities and other products. It has marked the commencement of an international market that altered our taste and standard of living today. There were several cultural exchanges evolved in the commercial structure that were not just limited to transnational and within the Asian commerce. The existence of specialized marketplaces for cultural artifacts and products and the transmission of items influenced the local arts and craft manufacturing of both continents. In tradition, the relationship between Europe and Asia h as been investigated in a hegemonic viewpoint, considering Europe as the prevailing economic and political hub. And even up to the issues of cultural influences, the pattern for transmission considers Europe as the [Student’s Last Name] 3 main source and Asia being the beneficiary. Thoughts about Asia and Europe as two colossal expanses took place on this perspective. Photography and the French Painting Numerous discoveries in photography witness the rise of more innovative impressions of art in manifold splices. This can be credited to the reality that, albeit, art mainly resides on the person's mind's eye and ingenuity, photography transformed the entire conformist and conservative artistic scheme. Consequently, within the early 19th century, numerous features, factors have emerged and in the following years caught sight of the increase of the utilization of complex and sophisticated colors and texture as well as the integration of light in painted materials and artworks, n evertheless, the arrival of photography which necessitated much fewer materials and used up smaller amount of time and workforce undesirably spoiled the realm of conservative artistry. The â€Å"Art for Art’s Sake†perspective, which was focused on the progressive modernism, improved the way art
Monday, November 18, 2019
Plea Bargaining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Plea Bargaining - Essay Example According to a task force instituted to address issues in the judicial system, there was major underfunding within the judicial system, unlike other state government elements that fared much better in the recent economic crisis of 2009/2010 (Bibas, n.d.). Considering that most expenses within the judiciary are staff wages, it has been argued in the past that plea bargaining is the best thing that happened to the judicial system. Political analysts and lawmakers have dubbed plea-bargaining as "the new criminal justice system." Because plea-bargaining offers both efficiency and reduced logistical and financial resources, it is overly perceived that without plea-bargaining, an explosion of the court cases would erupt, increasing costs rapidly while at the same time disrupting the present legal system. The primary advantage for the continuance of plea bargaining is that it is vital in ensuring sustained efficiency and function of the criminal justice framework. Many people are of the opinion that if plea bargaining would be discontinued; the judicial legal framework would just cave in from the load of managing ever-increasing criminal cases with limited resources. Individuals supporting plea bargaining argue that while felony caseloads are seen to increase two-fold with every passing decade, the assets set aside to facilitate the activities associated with tackling crime and providing justice only increase by a small margin (Golde & Bonjour, 1975). They contend that plea bargaining is therefore required for the efficient allocation and distribution of judicial resources. Individuals in support additionally argue that extra increases in expenses because of executing trials for each defendant would only be another cost generating gateway, overburdening an already starving economy. Plea bargaining is additionally preferred because it offers extra flexibility in the US judicial framework. Prosecutors are offered the
Friday, November 15, 2019
John Lockes Theory Of Personal Identity Philosophy Essay
John Lockes Theory Of Personal Identity Philosophy Essay For should the soul of a prince, carrying with it the consciousness of the princes past life, enter and inform the body of a cobbler, as soon as deserted by his own soul, everyone sees he would be the same person with the prince, accountable only for the princes actions; but who would say it was the same man?2 In this example Locke shows that the human body is not necessary in personal identity since you could have the same person in two different bodies. Since the physical body cannot maintain personal identity, Locke comes to the conclusion that it must be the psychological aspect of humanity that retains personal identity. 1It is at this point that the emphasis of identity is placed on the psychological rather than the physical aspect of life as stated in Lockes second book: This may show us wherein personal identity consists: not in the identity of substance, but in the identity of consciousness3 Lockes next point was to differentiate between a man and a person. He uses the example of a rational talking parrot and compares it to an organism with the same shape as a human being though; it is unable to engage in rational discourse.1 This thought experiment is used by Locke to demonstrate that rationality is not an essential part of a man. Since rational discourse was not a necessary part of man. Locke expressed identity using something else. Thus, Locke finally narrowed down the integral part of personal identity to consciousness. Lockes definition of conscious is as follows: Consciousness is both a necessary and a sufficient condition for a morally vital sense of personal identity.3 Locke describes the essence of self as being their consciousness, which he states as something distinguishable for every thinking thing. This consciousness is described as the sameness of a rational being. The unique characteristic of consciousness is that allows it to retain personal identity is that it can be extended backwards to any past action or thought. It is this characteristic that Locke uses to explain his theory of personal identity. 4Locke also disagrees with the Cartesian view of the soul, which held that a mans soul was of an entirely different essence than his body, focusing more on the connectedness of the same conscious thought. Therefore, Locke reaches the conclusion that personal identity can only be achieved through psychological continuity. As a result of this, psychological continuity relies only on the beings ability to consciously look back on their previous existence and be able to distinguish between conscious thought and memory. This distinction is extremely important to bec ause Locke is frequently ambiguous when dealing with both terms. When he refers to conscious memory, he implies that it represents the consciousness of a past experience. Conscious thought, on the other hand, involves perceiving that one perceives. Locke explains that when we will anything, we are always conscious of it. Psychological continuity, as Locke describes it, also insinuates that a person who exists at one time is indistinguishable with a person who exists at a second time only if the first person remembers some past experience that connects the second person to the second time. Therefore, Lockes definition of personal identity centers around the continuity of the consciousness, which is able to relate past and present memories and retain some sense of self awareness. Now that I have explained and given an analysis of Lockes theory of personal identity, I will now evaluate the validity of Lockes theory by proving that his account of personal identity is incorrect. Lockes arguments contain flaws from their conception. I have a great difficulty with Lockes statement of self-conscious awareness as the main constituent of personal identity since intrinsically that consciousness is available only to each unique self. Due to this dilemma, third party juries will be subject to error in many cases. In order to further explain this point, I will divide my argument into two questions; what does personal identity consist of and how can one tell a person is the same? First, since Locke defined personal identity as a persons consciousness, I will use that as my basis for this argument. Thus, since we can only tell a person through their physical aspect, it becomes impossible to distinguish if someone elses consciousness resides in the person you are looking at . An example would be if a person robbed a bank but wasnt conscious of the fact that he performed the act in the first place. According to Locke, the man should be free of all charges since he wasnt the same person who robbed the bank. This however is preposterous if in a courtroom there is evidence of that person robbing the bank, the only exception being if the person could prove they lost consciousness throughout the event. Another error found within Lockes argument centers around the fact that even though a person can switch bodies, it is the consciousness that determines the identity of the bodies. Thus it is clear that while Lockes statements seem perfectly rational in theory, practically though, they have no weight. Another flaw found in Lockes argument, is in how he leaves out particular cases where his theory of psychological continuity cannot apply. First however, I must define the distinction between person and man. Locke defines man as a living body of some particular sh ape. A person, on the other hand, is an intelligent thinking being that can know itself as itself the same thinking thing in different times and places.4An example of this would be humans who remain in vegetative conditions and show no mental faculties whatsoever. According to Lockes description of personal identity these human beings are not considered persons since nothing can be discovered from their past in order for that individual to define their psychological identity. Lockes argument between man and person becomes too controversial since the definition of both terms can never truly be settled. In conclusion, after providing examples to counterclaim Lockes argument that personal identity originates from psychological continuity it is clear that Lockes view on identity is too flawed to be correct when defining identity for each person. 1William, Uzgalis. John Locke > The Immateriality of the Soul and Personal Identity (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (accessed October 13, 2010). 2Locke, John. Of Identity and Diversity. In Essay Concerning Human Understanding Volume Two. 1690. Reprint, Toronto: Dover Publications, 2005. 517-518. 3John, Locke. Of Identity and Diversity. In Essay Concerning Human Understanding Volume Two. 1690. Reprint, Toronto: Dover Publications, 2005. 514. 4John, Locke. Of Identity and Diversity. In Essay Concerning Human Understanding Volume Two. 1690. Reprint, Toronto: Dover Publications, 2005. 515. sBibliography Uzgalis, William. John Locke > The Immateriality of the Soul and Personal Identity (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (accessed October 13, 2010). Locke, John. Of Identity and Diversity. In Essay Concerning Human Understanding Volume Two. 1690. Reprint, Toronto: Dover Publications, 2005. 517-518. Locke, John. Of Identity and Diversity. In Essay Concerning Human Understanding Volume Two. 1690. Reprint, Toronto: Dover Publications, 2005. 514. Locke, John. Of Identity and Diversity. In Essay Concerning Human Understanding Volume Two. 1690. Reprint, Toronto: Dover Publications, 2005. 515.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Truth and Goodness in Immanuel Kant and St. Thomas Aquinas Essay
Immanuel Kant and St. Thomas Aquinas account for the existence of truth in sharply contrasting ways. Kant locates all truth inside the mind, as a pure product of reason, operating by means of rational categories. Although Kant acknowledges that all knowledge originates in the intuition of the senses, the intelligibility of sense experience he attributes to innate forms of apperception and to categories inherent to the mind. The innate categories shape the â€Å"phenomena†of sensible being, and Kant claims nothing can be known or proved about the â€Å"noumena,†the presumed world external to the mind.1 Aquinas agrees that all knowledge comes through the senses, but disagrees with Kant in arguing that categorical qualities do not originate in the mind but inhere in the objects themselves, either essentially (determinate of their mode of being) or accidentally (changeable without loss of essence by the object).2 Aquinas further agrees with Kant that all the kn owledge derived from sense experience is knowledge of the essence of things only insofar as it is understood by reason, and thus sense experience is insufficient to constitute knowledge by itself.3 But Aquinas defines knowledge as conformity by the mind to things as they really are, and thus believes the external world is knowable by the mind, both in the essences of things (what they are) and in the act of being (that they are).4 Moreover, for Aquinas, entities are related to each other analogously according to their modes of being, since being is a quality that all existent things share. Thus, being in general is knowable systematically according to a language of existential analogy.5 Kant, in contrast, begins with the assumption that metaphysics is invalid as knowledge... ... 25 Immanuel Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, Translated James W. Ellington, 3rd ed. (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing, 1993), 9. 26 Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, 842. 27 Immanuel Kant, Introduction to the Metaphysicsof Morals, IV, 24, quoted in Heinrich A. Rommen, The Natural Law: A Study in Legal and Social History and Philosophy (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1998), 89. 28 Immanuel Kant, The Philosophy of Law. An Exposition of the Fundamental Principles of Jurisprudence as the Science of Right, quoted in Rommen, 88. 29 Heinrich A. Rommen, The Natural Law: A Study in Legal and Social History and Philosophy (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1998), 119-121. 30 W. Norris Clarke, S.J., The One and the Many: A Contemporary Thomistic Metaphysics (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2001), 12.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Contemporary Heros Quest Essay
The contemporary character of Luke Skywalker in the film Star Wars undertakes the classic hero’s journey which include the processes of separation, initiation, transformation and return. This paper has therefore been written to examine the plight of Luke Skywalker and to analyze the journey that the character takes throughout the plot of the film. In addition to this, an investigation of the mythological and cultural origins of the story will be conducted while the relevance of the story to the modern world in which ordinary humans struggle for survival will be presented. Luke Skywalker represents a classic example of the hero who undertakes a quest in the face of adversity and who eventually overcomes a number of challenges for the benefit of society. In the film Star Wars, Luke is a farmer on the remote desert planet of Tatooine when he receives the call to adventure from a holographic representation of Princess Leia. The call to adventure is contained in a message that is p rojected to Luke from within the memory of R2D2, a droid that Luke purchases to work on the farm. Initially Luke refuses the call to adventure out of a sense of duty towards his step-parents. Luke then receives supernatural aid from Obi Wan Kenobi who rescues Luke from the sand people and who teaches him about the Force. Luke then learns about the fate of his dead father from his new mentor who gives Luke his dead father’s light saber as he crosses the threshold into the new world of the Jedi which contains the promise of adventure and a journey into the unknown. Luke then enters this world when he arrives on the Death Star where he meets Darth Vader, who is the villain of the story. Luke must defeat Darth Vader and the Empire in order to free the galaxy from Imperial control. However, it is revealed that Darth Vader is actually Luke’s real father who succumbed to the dark side of the Force after undergoing Jedi training before Luke’s birth. Darth Vader, along with the Emperor, represents an archetypal devil figure who works for evil throughout the film. Indeed, a number of other archetypes are represented in the film Star Wars which includes Luke as the hero and initiate of the story, Obi Wan Kenobi as Luke’s mentor and Princess Leia who fulfils the role of the damsel in distress. Luke begins the initiation on the Death Star where he overcomes a number of tests and meets his travelling companions, Princess Leis, Han Solo and Chewbacca the Wookie. Luke then confronts the villain of the story however he suffers his abyss when Vader kills Obi Wan. The companions then escape from the Death Star and head to the rebel base that has been established on Yavin 4 where Luke begins the transformation stage of the hero’s journey when he starts his Jedi training. The return phase of the hero’s journey begins when Luke’s transformation into a Jedi is complete and the rebel fleet attacks the Death Star using Princess Leia’s stolen plans of the space station. The hero’s return is complete when Luke hears his mentor’s voice telling him to use the Force in order to destroy the Death Star, which he manages to achieve, subsequently freeing the galaxy from Imperial control. The mythological and cultural origins of the Star Wars story can be traced back to early Eastern religious mythology in which the hero underwent a transformation during his journey to overcome a particular challenge. Star Wars contains a number of elements of traditional mythology which represent the real life elements such as the duality of good and evil, the behavior of archetypal characters and the projection of spirituality as an alternative to secular religion. Therefore, Star Wars contains all of the characteristics that represent a hero’s journey while the film has become an example of the contemporary interpretation of ancient mythology which reflects the use of spiritualism as a replacement for religion. In addition, Star Wars also illustrates the continuing relevance of this ancient mythology to the modern world.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Forrest Gump and Three Flowers †Creative Writing Essay
Forrest Gump and Three Flowers – Creative Writing Essay Free Online Research Papers Forrest Gump and Three Flowers Creative Writing Essay You know what? I just finished watching Forrest Gump. That is my†¦ to be honest, I forget, the times that I watched this movie, I only know that I’ve watched it many times, at least six. Each time when I watch it, I would have different feelings, but one thing I have never changed before and it also won’t be changed in future- courage, no matter how many times I watch it. Usually the audiences would think that Gump is not a smart person, actually someone even consider that he is an idiot. Because he doesn’t know the consequence of each event, but he uses all his heart and soul when he faces the challenge. That’s courage. I think Forrest Gump might touch me. Picking the pen is such a hard behavior to me. The moment you decide write something on the white paper, that means you might need to face the real yourself, you might try to cover something ugly, but not reveal everything honestly. I don’t know what I want to say just like Forrest Gump doesn’t know what he wants to do in his life. However, I love the feeling that the pen guides my mind, the pen nib would lead me to somewhere. The pen nib’s liquidity likes the skater’s slides on the ice, so fre e. I believe this pen; this lucky pen would bring me to a fortunate place, even though I don’t know where it is as well. Yes. I think I don’t know where I am now, but my mind like a flipping backward calendar, invoke my three good roommates. June, it is a graduation month; thousands of students leave their schools at this time. School? What is it? It’s a place where only learn the textbook knowledge? No, definitely not, but I used to think about it. Since I have memory, when I met my elder relatives, they always asked my marks in school and the rank in my grade. If I spoke out a number can make them satisfied, then they would also be excited like they got it from school and treat you so well, like you were their own daughter, usually the number should be as small as possible. If I could not say a good number, they would consider that you had begun to lose the entering university chance. The family pressure caused some of my relatives graduated from world- famous universities like Harvard, Cambridge and Chicago University in my family. Being with them, the only thing I needed to do, and I might do well is study, study again and again. I tried not to let them disappointed with me, so my marks kept in a high level in my class. My parents might be the admiring people when my school had parents meeting. My life was so common. Got up, go to school, go home, do my homework and then go to bed. Everyday, I redo the same actions, but I didn’t tired of it, because study was my life’s center. When I graduated from primary school, Dad made a big decision to me: send me to a private school. God! Why he must send me to there? Don’t I study in public school bad? As I heard it I felt so shock like seeing snow in summer. However he thought I could get a better education from there. So I left my dear friends who have studied together for six years. I left a familiar surrounding and changed into a completely unknown school. September is still a humid hot month to my hometown, the acrimony sun glared on your body, like lash whipped on your skin, the cicada’s yelling from the tree, which made reluctantly going to school. The classroom didn’t familiar any more, the new face made me urged wanting to go home and escaped from this closing teaching environment. I felt that I was abandoned in a drain well by my parents. Nobody could hear my help. The night before I came to school, I asked my parents. â€Å"Daddy, Mummy, if I go to school tomorrow, you probably see me once a week.†â€Å"Yes, but we will miss you so much.†Dad said. â€Å"Daddy, I am scared. If the new school’s teachers and students don’t like me, or my mark is too low, what can I do?†â€Å"My sweetheart, don’t avoid growing up. This is a perfect chance to expand your eyesight. You can meet many peers from different places and you can learn many things from your teachers and friends. It’s impossible to spend all your life with your primary classmates.†Daddy comforted me. â€Å"If I can’t adopt the new school, can I quit studying there?†The moment I burst out this sentence, I knew that I had spoken a wrong sentence. Because Daddy scowled and shouted, â€Å"I don’t care whether you like there or not, you must study there well. I spend so much money on you, how can you make me disappointed? You’re so disobeying and rebellious.†Under this helpless situation, I had no choice, but went to my new school. Thousands of questions still around my mind: could I keep studying well at there? Are there many outstanding students? †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Research Papers on Forrest Gump and Three Flowers - Creative Writing EssayPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyStandardized TestingHip-Hop is ArtHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayCapital PunishmentEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Spring and AutumnHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseThe Hockey Game
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Differentiating Reasoning Essays - Critical Thinking, Advertising
Differentiating Reasoning Essays - Critical Thinking, Advertising Differentiating Reasoning CRT/205 April 4, 2014 Captain E. F. Rollins Differentiating Reasoning Article: Air Pollution The author uses deductive arguments in writing this article by resorting to scare tactics and nationalism. Scare tactics is defined by our course material as, Trying to scare people into doing something or accepting a position (University of Phoenix, 2012). An example of the scare tactics used in this article is when the author talks about the results of burning fossil fuels. The author concludes that burning fossil fuels makes the air unsafe to breathe, causes acid rain, and damages our environment (Air Pollution, 2014, para 2.). This conclusion is meant to scare the reader into accepting this position by describing terrible results of burning fossil fuels (University of Phoenix, 2012). Nationalism is defined as, a powerful and fierce emotion that can lead to blind endorsement of a countrys policies and practices (University of Phoenix, 2012). The author attempts to appeal to the readers sense of nationality by claiming that environmental protection requirements cause American industries to be at a disadvantage when competing with foreign companies with fewer restrictions (Air Pollution, 2014, para 7). The author wants the reader to accept this claim of not abiding by environmental requirements because our companies would not be able to compete with companies outside of the United States (Air Pollution, 2014). Article: Advertising The author of this article uses deductive arguments such as rationalizing, apple polishing, and popularity. Rationalizing is defined as a false pretext to satisfy our own desires or interests (University of Phoenix, 2012). An example of rationalizing can be seen in the conclusion against seller advertising (Advertising, 2014, para 1). In this conclusion against seller advertising, the author states that the constant stream of advertising that bombards consumers every day misinforms or encourages them to live beyond their means (Advertising, 2014, para 1). This conclusion is the authors attempt to justify why the reader should accept this position but it is only a rationalization that only serves the authors viewpoint (University of Phoenix, 2012). Apple polishing is defined as old-fashioned flattery (University of Phoenix, 2012). We see this in the authors statement that viewers can draw conclusions for themselves about the products used by characters on television and in movies (Advertising, 2014, para 11-12). This implies that the viewers are smart enough to see through this advertising and therefore, the advertisers are not at fault if viewers purchase a product solely on the fact that a famous person is endorsing it (University of Phoenix, 2012). Finally, popularity is defined as urging someone to accept a claim simply on the grounds that all or most or some substantial number of people believe it (University of Phoenix, 2012). The basis for the conclusion in support of sexy ads was that advertisers were only providing the images that people wanted to see (Advertising, 2014, para 8-10). This is an attempt by the author to persuade the reader to accept this conclusion based on the fact that it is what is popular (University of Phoenix, 2012). REFERENCES "Air Pollution." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. "Advertising." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. University of Phoenix. (2012). What is critical thinking, anyway? Retrieved from University of Phoenix, CRT205 - Critical Thinking website.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Assignment4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Assignment4 - Essay Example In the tradition and culture of any society, the husband is expected to work outside the home for income and the wife is expected to be at home for children care and household maintenance. Womens family work includes responsibility for household tasks socially, legally, and in practice but in today’s world, women with children are increasingly getting employed outside the home which is resulting in increased conflicts between the families. While talking about importance of maintaining balance between family life and work life by the modern families, let us discuss those challenges and conflicts that arise due to paid work and unpaid household work. For that we will discuss challenges related to both; men and women. Men face a lot of challenges while trying to effectively balance the family and work. One of the major challenges regarding the issue is neglecting behavior towards children due to work load which may result in conflicts between the children and their father. As we know that men are traditionally expected to work outside the home to earn for the family, it affects their family life. If a man pays more attention towards his work than his family, children get affected because they do not get required love and attention from their father. As a result, the children feel ignored and the level of affection between the children and their father would go significantly down. Same happens with the person’s spouse who also gets affected if the person becomes unable to properly balance work schedule. A job that requires excessive travel and long working hours brings a negative impact on the family of a man. But if a man starts ignoring his professional duties in order to pay more attenti on towards his family, it brings a negative impact on his professional life. Just like men, working women also face a lot of problems in order to maintain a balance between family life and work life because the role of the women has expanded due to
Friday, November 1, 2019
Impacts on Liquidity - ECO316 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Impacts on Liquidity - ECO316 - Essay Example This consequently led to the financial crisis and eventually a shortage of liquidity due to wrong policies. Excessive savings were required to fight the crisis and ensure that no financial institution faced liquidity issues. United States first followed the expansionary policy where it experienced an increase in the monetary base. To avoid excessive liquidity in the market, US implemented contractionary policy to control the rate at which the monetary base was increasing. The financial markets yet had liquidity and were not insolvent. Adding the role of government, the budget deficits have been soaking up the savings. Consequently, this has hindered the growth of the market and economy. The government budget deficits have created solvency issues not only for the government but also for the whole nation. The impact of government spending is less productive as compared to the measures undertaken by the central bank, Fed. Government budget deficits do lead to difficulties in getting investments, and it does cause solvency issues, but that can be fought with a right monetary policy by the central bank, Fed. Falling government budget deficits do support and strengthen the fact that there was too much liquidity in the financial markets. However, it does not mean the government’s declining budget deficits had stronger influence on increasing liquidity. Federal Reserve (Fed) has the strongest ability to influence the monetary base which consequently determines the level of liquidity available in the financial markets. By 2006, Federal Reserve (Fed) had been able to increase liquidity in the financial markets. In fact, there was too much liquidity, and to control the liquidity level, by the fall of 2006, Federal Reserve (Fed) introduced contractionary monetary policy. This is when US budget deficits started declining. The rapidly increasing monetary base and levels of liquidity were consequences of the monetary policy and measures taken by the
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Analytical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analytical - Essay Example The prosperity of a country, according to Han Fei, can be safeguarded only when the lawmakers and the law-keepers are strong and efficient. A king is not defined by his personal failings but by his ability to ensure the maintenance and applications of public laws. Along with a strong upper hand in dealing with public laws, he must also be ruthless in suppressing internal conspiracies and disputes, for a kingdom that is weak from within will always be an easy and constant target of the enemy clans. Intended Audience Having reviewed Han Fei’s political musings, drawn from Han Feizi, I think it is important to ascertain the intended audience at whom this particular tract was aimed. I believe, given the author’s own politically charged background as well as exalted lineage, it can be safely said that much of his political strategies were drawn from personal experience and was intended to address the ruling class in particular. Reflections of the Author on Politics and Penal ties With great humanist emphasis on equality, he puts forward his thoughts on royal duties and legalities of the time. Han Fei, himself of royal descent, plainly spurns the unequal treatment often carried out by law keepers. He insists that there should be no unjust preferences given to the nobility. The common and the noble subject should all be treated as equal in the eyes of law. No one should try to gain favors by bribery or flattery. The guilty must be punished, and no offender should be allowed lenience, notwithstanding the exalted rank of the criminal or the humbleness of the victim. Lewdness and sexual excess must be suppressed as should internal discord and discontent. And according to Han Fei, the only way this can be achieved is by inculcating a deep fear of retribution within his subjects. The superiority of a ruler can be ascertained by the way he handles and controls his ministers and advisors. They may be negotiated only through two operative actions of the king: des erved adulation and acclaim upon great achievement or service; and severe punishment, torture and death upon defection or conspiracy. In conclusion, I believe, Han Fei’s legal philosophies seeks the better conditions of the masses even while advocating the most ruthless measures in ensuring the precedence of the sovereign ruler. Analysis of ‘Be a Scribe’ Purpose of the Author Han Fei was a follower of the Great Historian Laozi, who countered the Confucian practice of the art of persuasive speech by placing vital emphasis on the art of writing instead. The post-Confucian legacy of Laozi’s creative and artistic philosophy reaches its fruitful zenith in the hands of Han Fei. It is told that Han Fei himself suffered from a speech impediment - an embarrassing stammer - that did not bode well for a career of oral mastery. Therefore, he was inclined, both by nature and by habit, to improve upon his calligraphy and immense gift of the written word and in his text, he intends his audience to do the same. In his instructive work, Be a Scribe, he begins with a direct address to the reader. He exhorts us to pursue the noble art of scripting, to eschew dancing and replace the sports and hunting with the finer activity of writing. The master then goes on to unfavorably compare the pursuit of â€Å"the scroll and the paletteâ€
Monday, October 28, 2019
Communication Essay Example for Free
Communication Essay Companies often organize their departments into teams that support each other to complete tasks or projects. When working in groups, communication is vital to the success of the team. Teams must work well individually as well as a members of a team. Communication on an individual level differs from communication within a group. Individually, you must actively listen and insure accurate understanding, offer to help solve problems, and focus on not being distracted by your own emotions. You cannot allow your emotions to distract you or cause you to miss the key points or misinterpret information. As an individual you must attend all group meetings, provide feedback and input to the discussions, and be respectful to others input and views. It is important that everyone in the group understand their role and responsibilities to the group. Everyone must contribute to discussions and meetings, and there should not be any silent members. To promote group discussion, you can start by going around the group and allowing each person to speak. This will allow each person a chance to be involved in the discussion and will spark topics of discussion. When working in a group, conflicts usually arise and should be dealt with immediately and directly. Ignoring conflict or disagreements will cause the team to be lose focus, become less productive. Most conflicts result from poor communication and misinterpretations. To resolve conflicts, it is important to locate where the break-down in communication happened. By talking through the conflict with the members of the group, and redefining tasks and objectives, the team can resolve these types of issues. To foster good communication within a group every member must listen to each other, work collaboratively to make decisions, adapt to changes and communication styles, assign specific tasks, set clear deadlines and expectations, and conduct follow-up meetings to review.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Schizophrenia Essay -- essays research papers
SCHIZOPHRENIA Schizophrenia, from the Greek word meaning â€Å"split mind†, is a mental disorder that causes complete fragmentation in the processes of the mind. Contrary to common belief, schizophrenia does not refer to a person with a split personality or multiple personalities, but rather to a condition which affects the person’s movement, language, and thinking skills. The question of whether schizophrenia is a disease or collection of socially learned actions is still a question in people’ mind. People who are suffering from schizophrenia think and act in their own the world and put themselves in a way that is totally different from the rest of society. In other words, they have lost in touch with the reality. Most schizophrenics accept the fact that they have this disorder and are willing to receive necessary treatment and listen to, if not follow, professional advice. However there are cases where patients have lost insight and do not acknowledge the fact that they suffer from a mental disorder. As a result, these people do not have the treatment normally patients with schizophrenia do. To observers, schizophrenia may seem like a disease or madness because people who have this disorder behave differently to the people that are considered â€Å"normal.†It impairs a person from doing work, going to school, taking care of his/herself or having a social relationship with others. Yet, by looking at some of the symptoms, it is sometimes hard to classify schizophrenia as a disease because it enables those inflicted with it to develop new ways of communication intellectually and creatively, as well as enhancing artistic abilities. A disease is usually some kind of sickness that will lead to death or under heavy medication. However, this is not the case. For now, there is no cure but only treatment to help people with schizophrenia to live more productive lives. Generally, schizophrenia carries enormous threats to the society. About one percent of the people in United States develop schizophrenia and the probability of developing this disorder is independent of the patient’s gender, race or culture. Women are as likely to develop schizophrenia as men but women tend to have less severe symptoms with fewer hospitalizations and are generally able to cope better in the community. About ten percent of the people who have schizophrenia commit suicide and many others attempt... ...asms or cramps, and tremors. One of the major side affects is tardive dyskinesia, a permanent condition when the lips, mouth, and tongue move without any control. Besides medications and therapies, family intervention programs exist which focus on the families of the schizophrenics instead of the patients themselves. This is particularly useful since family members can learn and understand how to cope with the patient and provide for them a low-stress environment and aiding them as much as possible. By looking at all the aspects of schizophrenia, it is very hard to believe schizophrenia is a type of disease. Different from AIDS or cancer that may lead to death, schizophrenia alone will not kill the patient. In contrast, schizophrenics become more gifted and inventive in their way of thinking. The inability of the â€Å"normal†people to understand the patients’ styles of presentation does not mean those patients are abnormal or have a disease. When viewing from thei r world, schizophrenics may think that the â€Å"normal†people are the ones who display bizarre behaviour. Schizophrenia can be called a disorder, a collection of socially learn actions, an illness but never called a disease.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Weakness of Human Nature in Dantes Inferno Essay -- Human Weaknes
Dante's "Inferno" is full of themes. But the most frequent is that of the weakness of human nature. Dante's descent into hell is initially so that Dante can see how he can better live his life, free of weaknesses that may ultimately be his ticket to hell. Through the first ten cantos, Dante portrays how each level of his hell is a manifestation of human weakness and a loss of hope, which ultimately Dante uses to purge and learn from. Dante, himself, is about to fall into the weaknesses of humans, before there is some divine intervention on the part of his love Beatrice, who is in heaven. He is sent on a journey to hell in order for Dante to see, smell, and hear hell. As we see this experience brings out Dante's weakness' of cowardice, wrath and unworthiness. He is lead by Virgil, who is a representation of intellect. Through Dante's experiences he will purge his sins. Within Canto 1, we see Dante leaving a dark forest. This forest represents all the human vices and corruption, a place similar to hell (canto 1, line 1-5, Alighieri). Dante wants to reach the hill top, where is sunny and warm, rather than be in the damp and cold forest. The hill top represents happiness and is a metaphor for heaven. But his path is stopped by three animals: a leopard (canto 1, line 25, Alighieri ) , lion (canto 1, line 36 Alighieri ) and she wolf (canto 1, line 38-41, Alighieri ). Each one represents a human weakness: the leopard is lust, the lion pride and the she wolf is avarice. They show that on the earthly plain human sin is a continual and harmful temptation. These animals try to strip him of his hope, his hope in the fact that he will some day be in heaven with God. They are temptations to lead him away and block his way to the hill top. Th... ... shall see, will change and become the man that Beatrice wanted, and it's all by choice and by rejection of hell and all that the dark forest entails. Work Cited Alighieri, Dante. "The Inferno." The Divine Comedy. Trans. John Ciardi. New York: First New American Library Printing, 2003. Work Consulted Lummus, David. "Dante’s Inferno: Critical Reception and Influence." Dantes Inferno. Engerda: Arun, 2000. 63-79. Print. Internet Sources Consulted Brown, Sapphire M. "Referenes to Dantes Inferno." Humanities 360. 8 Jan. 2009. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. â€Å"Dante Alghieri and The Divine Comedy.† 2013. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. "Dante Alighieri." Academy of American Poets, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2015. Wetherbee, Winthrop. "Dante Alighieri." Stanford University. Stanford University, 29 Jan. 2001. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Tesco Company Profile
The company has also established a strong customer base by effectively utilizing the information held within their systems by leveraging the concept of Customer Relationship Marketing. Alongside, the company has effectively performed the process of data mining through directly analysing the information from the EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) Systems installed in their shop floors so as to identify the potential customers and enter new target markets and business segments. The implementation of the file maker systems in line with their point of sale systems to produce store specific adverts and promotion banners has apparently leveraged the company an edge over its competitors in the supermarket chain. The online shopping system TESCO WEBSITE In the light of the above argument, an insight into the TESCO website reveals the following results. The company has a highly structured website that has classified its products efficiently based on the departments and then provided a two stage categorisation for identifying the actual product itself. The two stages of categorisation are achieved by the providing a short list of hyperlinks under a selected category so as to enable the customer to view the products. The website also provides an interactive help system that efficiently guides a new user to quickly get accustomed to the online shopping process in order to encourage the customers to shop online. Apart from the easy to navigate system and the help provided online, the company has also established a dedicated call centre service especially to attend to the queries of the online shoppers including support on completing an order as well as serving the customer queries on existing orders and deliveries. Alongside, the feature of reserving a delivery schedule before starting the shopping process itself makes it further easier for the customer to decide on the products to prioritise on the order placed. This provides an additional benefit of gaining customer satisfaction as well as a second to none service in the online shopping system to the customers. The aforementioned statements further justify that the TESCO Plc has apparently gained competitive advantage in the electronic commerce mode of retailing in the supermarket chain segment of the retail sector in the UK. Alongside, the company has not only established the online transaction system for the sale of its retail products but for cross selling of its other services including DVD rental, finance and other services. This complete existence of the company over the Internet has apparently proved successful in gaining competitive advantage in the market. The above analysis has proved that TESCO Plc has leveraged competitive advantage through strategically deploying the electronic commerce system in its website and conducting transactions quickly in order to provide timely delivery of the products and services. The research conducted so far is based on the secondary information resources and hence to derive on a concrete solution, a primary research in the form of questionnaire is carried out. The next chapter provides a critical overview of the research methodology and the scope
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
A Short List of Synonyms for Shorten
A Short List of Synonyms for Shorten A Short List of Synonyms for Shorten A Short List of Synonyms for Shorten By Mark Nichol Shorten is a serviceable word for describing how to reduce the extent or length of something, but some synonyms are available to use in its place. Abbreviate stems ultimately from the Latin verb abbreviare, the root of which is from brevis, meaning â€Å"short†- the same word from which brevity (â€Å"briefness†) and brief are derived. Abridge, which has nothing to do with bridges (it has the same origin as abbreviate), is often used in the sense of diminishing effect or strength or shortening a written compensation by excising parts. To curtail is to limit or reduce as if by cutting (its obsolete predecessor, curtal, referred to cutting an animal’s tail short); its derivation is curtus, Latin for â€Å"short†- which came to be used in English as curt, an adjective usually applied to a brusque statement. Truncate is ultimately from the Latin word truncus, the source of trunk (as well as truncheon- the original term for a billy club- and the rare word obtruncate, which means â€Å"cut the top from†). The original sense is an adjective meaning â€Å"with square or even leaves†- leaves that appear to have been artificially shortened and straightened. Elide means â€Å"omit†; it usually pertains to removing a letter, word, or phrase from a document but also has a general sense of â€Å"shorten†; the noun form is elision. Syncopate means â€Å"cut short,†but it also applies to the linguistic process of syncope, in which part of a word is elided, as in g’day for â€Å"good day.†It’s also the verb form of syncopation, which refers to music rhythm based on giving stress to weak rather than strong beats. There is also a group of short words- often, in their pronunciation, suggestive of abrupt action- that refer to cutting something short, including bob, chop, clip, crop, cut, dock, lop, and snip. Other terms referring to cutting, often in reference to vegetation, include mow, pare, prune, and trim; shave and shear are similar. Prà ©cis, a noun referring to shortening or condensing (from French, and the ancestor of precise), is also a verb; other terms are compress and contract, as well as condense and its close synonym digest (from the sense of the word, also associated with assimilating food into the body, of arranging and dividing). To abstract, profile, and summarize are similar actions, though they involve outlining content rather than reducing its length. Likewise, to epitomize is to serve as an example rather than to actually reduce. Shrinking, meanwhile, involves literally reducing in size rather than abbreviating. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Exquisite AdjectivesExcited ABOUT, not "for" Educational vs. Educative
Monday, October 21, 2019
Battle of Patay in the Hundred Years War
Battle of Patay in the Hundred Years' War Battle of Patay - Conflict Date: The Battle of Patay was fought June 18, 1429, and was part of the Hundred Years War (1337–1453). Armies Commanders: English Sir John FastolfJohn Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury5,000 men French La HireJean Poton de XaintraillesJoan of Arc1,500 men Battle of Patay - Background: Following the English defeat at Orleans and other reverses along the Loire Valley in 1429, Sir John Fastolf advanced into the area with a relief force from Paris. Joining with John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, the column moved to relieve the English garrison at Beaugency. On June 17, Fastolf and Shrewsbury encountered a French force northeast of the town. Realizing that its garrison had fallen, the two commanders elected to fall back to Meung-sur-Loire as the French were not willing to give battle. Arriving there, they attempted to retake the bridge guardhouse which had fallen to French forces a few days earlier. Battle of Patay - the English Retreat: Unsuccessful, they soon learned that the French were moving from Beaugency to besiege Meung-sur-Loire. Outnumbered and outgunned by Joan of Arcs approaching army, Fastolf and Shrewsbury decided to abandon the town and retreat north towards Janville. Marching out, they moved up the Old Roman Road before pausing near Patay to rest. Leading the rear guard, Shrewsbury placed his archers and other troops in a covered position near an intersection. Learning of the English retreat, the French commanders debated what action to pursue. The discussion was ended by Joan who advocated for a swift pursuit. Sending forward a mounted force under the leadership of La Hire and Jean Poton de Xaintrailles, Joan followed with the main army. Ranging ahead, French patrols initially failed to locate Fastolfs column. While the vanguard paused at St. Sigmund, approximately 3.75 miles from Patay, the French scouts finally had success. Unaware of their proximity to Shrewsburys position, they flushed a stag from along the road. Racing north it bounded through the English position. Battle of Patay - the French Attack: Spotting the deer, the English archers sent up a hunting cry which gave away their location. Learning of this, La Hire and Xaintrailles raced ahead with 1,500 men. Rushing to prepare for battle, the English archers, armed with the deadly longbow, began their standard tactic of placing pointed stakes in front of their position for protection. As Shrewsburys line formed near the intersection, Fastolf deployed his infantry along a ridge to the rear. Though they moved quickly, the English archers were not fully prepared when the French appeared around 2:00 PM. Riding over a ridge south of the English lines, La Hire and Xaintrailles did not pause, but instead immediately deployed and charged forward. Slamming into Shrewsburys position, they quickly outflanked and overran the English. Watching in horror from the ridge, Fastolf attempted to recall the vanguard of his column but to no avail. Lacking sufficient forces to deal with the French, he began retreating up the road as La Hire and Xaintrailles horsemen cut down or captured the remnants of Shrewsburys men. Battle of Patay - Aftermath: The final battle of Joan of Arcs decisive Loire Campaign, Patay cost the English around 2,500 casualties while the French sustained approximately 100. Having defeated the English at Patay and concluded a highly successful campaign, the French began to turn the tide of the Hundred Years War. The defeat inflicted significant losses upon the English longbow corps as well as was one of the first times a massed French cavalry charge had overcome the skilled archers. Selected Sources Battle of PataySiege of Orleans and Loire Valley Campaign
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Research Paper on Stress in the Workplace
Research Paper on Stress in the Workplace Research Paper on Stress in the Workplace This is a free example research paper on Stress in the Workplace: Introduction I am compiling this report, due to the low morale in the office. This low morale may be due to stress and could be affecting the company in terms of stress leading to a poor performance in employees. Stress is more commonly found in women and as this company employs sixty eight percent women; stress is a factor that needs to be made aware to the company. The basis of this report are from three articles related to stress, including women and stress, Health hazards à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" looking at stress, and monitor screens and work related stress. I believe that stress is directly affecting the company and this report will look at some ways to eliminate stress. Findings Stress in women Research shows that women are more likely to be affected by stress than men. In fact four times as many women suffer from stress than men. This may be due to a number of reasons, for example due to a heavy work load, meeting deadlines and then out of work many women have a family to take care of, leaving little time for leisure. Stress does not only affect women though, men also get stress in the similar way. Forms of stress Stress can be categorised into three groups based on the severity of it. They are as follows: Mild stress: This stress is a common form of stress and should not really be worried about. It is not harmful to ones health, and can also be beneficial as it can be a challenge for the employee, to reach the target on time with a slight pressure. This form of stress is very common in a company. Acute stress: This is a more serious form of stress, and can in some cases affect ones health. This form of stress can be triggered by divorce, termination of employment, and bereavement as well as other reasons. The stress is build up from mild stress, and can leave an individual feeling as though demands and deadlines cannot be met. Chronic stress: The most serious form of stress is chronic stress, as stress can build up to a point where an individual can no longer cope, seriously affecting their health and work. Examples of this kind of stress can be due to family problems, health problems or work related problems. Over a period of time stress can affect people more seriously, in a non work related way. These forms of stress are psychologically and physiologically. Psychological problems may be feelings of guilt, resentfulness, loss of confidence and sense of perspective. Basically mental problems due to the build up of stress, people find it hard to cope with problems of work and home and this can in extreme cases lead to a nervous breakdown. Whereas physiological problems are health problems such as high blood pressure, fatigue, digestive troubles, insomnia etc. One in four people in the UK die of heart disease, many of which were stress related cases. So companies need to do something to reduce stress in the office as they are often to blame for high levels of stress amongst employees. Sitting in front a computer monitor all day can cause damaging effects to health. For example headaches, eye strain, epilepsy and an increased risk of miscarriage. A computer monitor is not entirely to blame for these health risks, it is a mixture of other factors due to an unhealthy environment. Poor lighting in an office can also lead to eye strain, chairs that do not provide enough back support can lead to back pains. Although some of these health hazards seem to be rather extreme, it is medically proven that a flickering screen can trigger an epileptic fit. Also working in unsatisfactory surrounds whilst pregnant, can lead to complications at birth. Effects of stress on a company Stress can affect a company badly, stress related illnesses account for four and five percent of absences among both men and women. The employee cannot work to their full potential when under stress, deadlines can be missed, absences rise leading to a bigger work load for the employee when they return to work. Companies can lose out in terms of profitability due to underperforming at work leading to problems within the company. Conclusion Companies can be blamed for high levels of stress within the office, this has been stated in this report. There are ways to lower the levels of stress in a company and they are as follows. Employees with low job satisfaction often are poorly paid with few job promotion prospects. Company managers often fail to acknowledge their staff for their hard work which may lead to depression for the employee. If a employer recognises their employees work more and offer more promotion prospects, even an increase in an employees salary would help relieve stress in the office. Staff recognition is the key to every company, staff work better if their work is praised as they believe that they are a valued member of the company. Recognition may be verbal, where an employer simply praises their work verbally, or a promotion for the employee. Even staff events show that the manager cares about his staff, rather than the usual Christmas party more events out of work should be organised. If more recognition was shown to staff at Terra Firma then employee stress would be lowered and employees would perform better at work. Redesigning jobs can also help, for example if employees take more breaks from the computer monitor to reduce headaches and eye strain, even performing other jobs away from the computer monitor every so often will minimise these health risks. Companies can also employ a stress councillor to help relieve stress from the employees, as this would not only benefit the employee health, but employees may perform better in their jobs, leading to better productivity and more profits for the company. If all or some of these suggestions were practised in Terra Firma then the company would certainly benefit, leading to a smooth running company, with fewer problems and low stress levels.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Statistics - Q Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Statistics - Q - Essay Example 9. To study the spending habits of shoppers in Orlando, Florida, fifty randomly selected shoppers at a mall were surveyed to determine the number of credit cards they carried. The following results were obtained. The data in part (b) are 30 times the data in part (a).The data in part (b) are 40 times the data in part (a).    The data in part (b) are 70 times the data in part (a).The data in part (b) are 60 times the data in part (a).The data in part (b) are 120 times the data in part (a). The mean and mode in part (b) are 70 times the mean and mode in part (a). Neither data set had a median.The mean and median in part (b) are 60 times the mean and median in part (a). Neither data set had a mode.    The mean, median and mode in part (b) are 60 times the mean, median and mode in part (a).The mean and median in part (b) are 50 times the mean and median in part (a). Neither data set had a mode.The mean in part (b) are 50 times the mean in part (a). Neither data set had a mode. 14. Jerry Rice holds the all-time record in professional football for scoring touchdowns. The number of touchdown receptions (TDs) for each of his seasons is given in the following table. Find the mean, median, and mode of the number of touchdown receptions per year by Rice. (Enter solutions for mode from smallest to largest. If there are any unused answer boxes, enter NONE in the last
Friday, October 18, 2019
The effect of shortining glycan chains linked to the cationic peanut Dissertation
The effect of shortining glycan chains linked to the cationic peanut peroxidase on its activity - Dissertation Example Recent studies have gone further to discover linkages between other sugars like D-Glc, L-Rha and D-GaiNAc and ASn in bacteriai glycoproteins (Neuhoff, 1999). Glycans Structural Features The process of examining glycan sytructures in large numbers has shown that there exist a number of rules which include; the glycans that are N-linked indicate a common Mannotriosedi and N-acetlylchitobiose structural pattern which is linked to a residue of Asn. Most of the plants containing glycoproteins have a residue of Xyl that is attached via f3-1 to 2 linkage extending towards the core of the p-linked Man. The link in some cases extends to GLcNAc proximal via a a-1, 3 bond involving glycoside. The second rule is that the glycans N-linked, with reference to the antenna structures they have, can be easily put into three categories (Neuhoff, 1999). 1. The aligomannose kind where the antennae substitute can only be achieved through adding Man residues 2. Complex type where the its antennae is made u p of Fuc, GlcNac, Sia and Gd together with Man residues 3. Hybrid type; this is a representation of the two above types. In the past, the above was believed to only take place in animals yeast and in some cases fungal glycoproteins. Recent studies on agglutinin structure show that such glycans are also found in glycoproteins of higher plants. Glycans come in varied forms from a residue of a single Ga1 to a structure that is branched with more than 20 residues of monosaccharide. The mucins O-glycans which form the most glycoproteins containing O-glycans, show heterogeneity that are extreme with a good number of oligosaccharide per molecule. Although the core structure concept can be extrapolated to O-glycans, its essence is not the same as there exists seven 0-linked classes core and they in most cases come as trisaccharides or disaccharides (Dwek, 2009). Cationic Peanut Peroxidase On Its Activity By looking at the ribosome which are both free and membrane bounded, the process of iso lation of the poly (A)- having mRNA for the entire polysomal RNA , it has been decided that approximately 2 % of the total protein synthesis have been slated for cationic peroxidase (CPRx) (Dwek, 2009).At the same time, the two fractions that are minor for the other two isozymes can be used as a confirmation of the three isozymes found in the acetone isolated pellet. The use of peptide mapping however shows that the three peroxidase isozymes contained different sequences of amino acids. In this case, the protein pellets that have been isolated recorded the highest nm ratio of a bout 403/480. This shows that that they pellets contain high protein heme ratio indicating purity. As the absorption bands of normal amino acids are the simplest near UV, there are a number of suggestions on ways of detecting the protein structure in relation to the sequence of amino acids through spectroscopic analysis. The isolated CPRx has an absorbance of 403 nm and appears to be red in color. These chara cteristics have been associated with the heme presence containing iron as this in required for the activity of enzymes. However, not all the iron having proteins are definitely heme proteins. There exist a number of enzymes that are in need of iron a part from peroxidase with other enzymes having different enzyme requirements. In CPRx, its cells grow in the iron presence in the medium that is suspended. A peroxide secretion loss takes place in the
The Positive and Negative Ideas of the Culture Research Paper
The Positive and Negative Ideas of the Culture - Research Paper Example The behaviour, reverence and respect which Bahrain youth tends to give the older/elder people lack in Britain youth. The culture and religion form the basis of this difference. Bahrain’s culture is abundant with values which encourage good attitude, respect and care for older people. Whereas, the UK culture is more independent and the youth does not want any restrictions imposed on them from older people. They lack an understanding of the value of older people and their advice in their lives. Bahrain youth is abundant with information on how to treat older people and trained to follow their advice most of the times. The cultural difference, as well as the difference in the social structure, allows such a difference between youth perceptions about older people and behaviours towards them. The fashion differs greatly from one state to the other. The fashion and clothing of every society differ as per the liking, priority and beliefs of the people residing in the social boundarie s of a region. Since Bahrain is a country with a Muslim population in the majority, youth clothing and fashion is affected by Islamic foundations. However, there are certain youth groups who are modern and like to stay up to date. The girls in Bahrain’s normal culture wear abaya with scarves to cover their heads and boys wear long sleeved shirts with jeans/trousers (World cultures 2004, p. 21-25). On the other hand, the UK adopts a more independent approach when it comes to outfits. They wear almost everything that suits them. Most popular outfits, however, include jeans and T-shirts for both genders, skirts for the female population and so on.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
TEXTBOOK-Brinkley, American History, Connecting with the Past, Volume Essay - 4
TEXTBOOK-Brinkley, American History, Connecting with the Past, Volume II, McGraw Hill chapters 20-21 - Essay Example The Square deal was an approach where Roosevelt was focused in solving three fundamental community concerns. The other progressive who took up the Presidential Office was Woodrow Wilson, a democrat with proper academic backgrounds who was equipped with various community development change ideologies (Alan 2011, pg.516). In their quest to facilitate a corruption free society and foster development by using the progressivism program, the two presidents experienced several obstacles that derailed the achievement of their goals; however, they managed to overcome some of the obstacles and in the end achieved their development agendas. To begin with, when Roosevelt came to power as the President of the United States, he had a focus to address three aspects of the society in which on his own view were fundamental: Roosevelt was enthusiastic in protecting consumers, conserving the environment and controlling corporations (Alan 2011, pg. 516). In 1902, coal miners in Pennsylvania went on strike demanding better pay, proper working conditions as well as a reduction of normal working time from ten hours to nine hours a day. President Roosevelt stepped in to create a solution to this conflict by calling a meeting with the mine owners for negotiations. However, some of the mine owners were reluctant and did not attend the meeting; some of them did not show sympathy and were adamant to meet the demands of their workers. President Roosevelt, having been motivated by the majority support from the public, miners and the workers’, decided to use his ‘big stick’ where: He was to seize and manage the mines through the use of Government troops (Alan 2011, pg. 517). Additionally, President Roosevelt experienced great challenges in his effort to eliminate corruption among monopolistic businesses and corporations (Trusts) of which majority were owned by the America’s
Trade unions in the workplace can only have a negative impact on Essay
Trade unions in the workplace can only have a negative impact on productivity. Discuss - Essay Example An analysis of the above definitions reveals that a trade union must be: Allen Flanders (1970) says that the major functions of trade unions are ‘Regulation’ which is of government role, whose essence lies in rule making. As Flanders (1970) says â€Å"Union restrain the exercise of managerial authority in deploying, organizing and disciplining the labour force after it has been hired.†Thus trade unions are considered not merely as economic organizations, but also as political institutions directed towards wresting control over managerial authority and moral institutions, which will uplift the weak, and downtrodden and render them the place, the dignity and justice they deserve. Trade unions, everywhere, as organizations undertake a variety of activities termed as economical, political, social psychological, cultural etc. All these activities could be broadly put into three major categories such as collective bargaining or negotiations, industrial action and legal actions. Collective bargaining/ negotiations: Unions as representative of workers organizations bargain with employers or various such issues such as wages, allowances, bonus, hours of work, reinstatement etc. The unions have secure bargaining power by statute and bargaining is done with the presence of the third party. Industrial action: Industrial action implies action like strikes and different methods of protest. These types of industrial actions like striking naturally lead to loss of production and disturbing the industrial peace. Worldwide unions resort to these activities to achieve their goals to safe guard the interest of their members. Legal actions: The unions also involve themselves in the legal actions. First of all unions have interest in getting certain laws enacted by the legislature. The purpose of these labour laws is to enhance the interest of the workers. Then, the unions are also
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
TEXTBOOK-Brinkley, American History, Connecting with the Past, Volume Essay - 4
TEXTBOOK-Brinkley, American History, Connecting with the Past, Volume II, McGraw Hill chapters 20-21 - Essay Example The Square deal was an approach where Roosevelt was focused in solving three fundamental community concerns. The other progressive who took up the Presidential Office was Woodrow Wilson, a democrat with proper academic backgrounds who was equipped with various community development change ideologies (Alan 2011, pg.516). In their quest to facilitate a corruption free society and foster development by using the progressivism program, the two presidents experienced several obstacles that derailed the achievement of their goals; however, they managed to overcome some of the obstacles and in the end achieved their development agendas. To begin with, when Roosevelt came to power as the President of the United States, he had a focus to address three aspects of the society in which on his own view were fundamental: Roosevelt was enthusiastic in protecting consumers, conserving the environment and controlling corporations (Alan 2011, pg. 516). In 1902, coal miners in Pennsylvania went on strike demanding better pay, proper working conditions as well as a reduction of normal working time from ten hours to nine hours a day. President Roosevelt stepped in to create a solution to this conflict by calling a meeting with the mine owners for negotiations. However, some of the mine owners were reluctant and did not attend the meeting; some of them did not show sympathy and were adamant to meet the demands of their workers. President Roosevelt, having been motivated by the majority support from the public, miners and the workers’, decided to use his ‘big stick’ where: He was to seize and manage the mines through the use of Government troops (Alan 2011, pg. 517). Additionally, President Roosevelt experienced great challenges in his effort to eliminate corruption among monopolistic businesses and corporations (Trusts) of which majority were owned by the America’s
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Cultural Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cultural Scenario - Essay Example â€Å"In the Chinese business world, however, it is also understood as the network of relationships among various parties that cooperate together and support one another†(Netfirms). The second mistake Karen made was that she did not talk to Tsang Yao and went over his head to file a complaint to the COO which made her look bad due to her ignorance of Chinese culture. If Kaken had talked to Yao first she could have mitigated the situation and gotten educated about the importance of Guanxi in China. The third mistake Karen made occurred upon being assigned to the Chinese office. At that moment she should have research Chinese culture and spend several weeks reading information from journal articles, professional databases, books, and the internet regarding Chinese culture. An excellent database that provides great information about countries is the CultureGrams database. China is the most populated place in world with a population of 1.33 billion inhabitants (CulureGrams, 2011) The assumption that Karen made was that Tsang Yao was discriminating against other candidates by hiring his family members and friends based on preferential treatment. Karen wanted to protect the best interest of the company since in the United States that type of mass hiring of family and friends could lead to a discrimination lawsuit. She assumed that Tsang Yao was taking advantage of his position to enrich his family. Karen thought that better candidates were being passed over and were not considered by Tsang Yao. Karen’s primary problem was her lack of communication with her colleagues. There was no reason to get the COO involved. Karen should have confronted Yao first prior to going up the power ladder. She was astonished when Daniel Young reprimanded her instead of taking correction action to ensure equal opportunity rights were protected. I believe in the value
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