Sunday, May 17, 2020
Social And Cultural Factors Have A Significant Influence
Social and cultural factors have a significant influence on the way a child interprets and views language. Language is a form of behaviour, a series of cultural and social practices that should be seen as appropriate (or not appropriate) for a given context (Green 2006). We could describe language as a set of conventions or rules that have been developed over time to provide communication and speech between one another. Not only is language important to society but specifically to education and most importantly in the classroom. Language is conventional and dynamic, shared across multiple cultures. Its universal in the case that everyone understands language. If its speaking, or things like music, dance, drama. They are all different†¦show more content†¦Language was given meaning over time and each word or phrase or saying is unique. I strongly agree with the Grugeon and Gardner statement. It places an important emphasis on the fact that as much as we sometimes want to view language as an object, there is always meaning behind it, and that human interaction was so significant in shaping language. It gave that meaning and emotion behind it and from the beginning, language was influenced strongly by human interaction and it is through this and meaning that language has been influenced. Throughout past years, numerous theorists that have developed and come up with ideas about how language and literacy and our cognitive development are largely influenced by our social and cultural interactions. Lee Vygotsky, a Russian theorist in the late 1900’s, had a major influence on the socio cultural theory and proposed ideas about language and cognitive development. His theory suggests that cognitive development or the higher mental function develops in stages. He soon identified that there were three stages which consisted of ‘clustering things into unorganised heaps’, ‘putting things into complexes based on concrete factual bonds’ and finally ‘thinking in concepts’ (Vygotsky 1978). Vygotsky stated that learning is a necessary and universal aspect of the process of developing culturally organised, specificallyShow MoreRelatedThe Biggest Influences On Young Adolescents1192 Words  | 5 PagesWhat are the biggest influences on y oung adolescents’ religious and spiritual beliefs? Throughout this investigation, the question I wish to explore is â€Å"What are the biggest and more significant influences on young adolescents’ spiritual and religious beliefs?†To thoroughly investigate and answer the specific question, vast amounts of information from different sources need to be obtained. Hence, I produced a survey that primarily focuses on the factors that influence young adolescents’ religiousRead MoreThe Impact of Culture on Consumer Behavior1788 Words  | 7 PagesThe impact of culture on consumer behavior [Author] [Institute] [Instructor] [Course] Table of Contents Abstract: 3 Introduction: 4 General cultural differences: 4 Culture other than Own: 5 Own Culture: 5 Cultural differences in marketing and consumer behavior: 6 Consumption: 6 Motives for Consumption: 8 Implications of cultural differences on marketers: 8 Discussion: 8 Examples of behaviors: 9 Conclusion: 9 References: 11 Appendix 1: 12 Survey Form: 12 Abstract: Read MoreConsumer Decision Making Process And The Beverage Brand Products1421 Words  | 6 Pagestown in England know as Huddersfield. The result from the research has determining that in the UK, majority of the consumers prefer Coca cola beverage brand than Pepsi and the research result has indicated that consumers buying decision can significant influence the beverage brand product in the UK market the research continue to say that if coca cola has put more focus on consumers buying decision in the UK know what they expected from them and producer according to their customers demand and tryRead MoreCustomer Buying Habit : A Supermarket Chain1217 Words  | 5 Pagesdescribe how some factor impact marking decision for the company, namely, customer buying habit, competitor information, culture and workforce. In the second part, the essay will evaluate what is a main problem of the company. Thirdly, it gives some recommendation for company that to avoid some problems. Finally, the essay will hope it through these information that to choice better opportunities and place to enter the Chinese market. The customer buying habit has a considerable influence for BritishRead MoreSocial Psychology And Its Impact On Individual Behavior1262 Words  | 6 PagesSocial psychology has evolved through history and its developments and contributions have been remarkable. This specialized area of psychology studies various topics that are significant for human beings (Ross, Lepper, Ward, 2010). This paper presents with an overview of social psychology by addressing its central themes, strengths, limitations, relevance, and the significance of cultural considerations. Central themes Three central themes are apparent in social psychology research. These themesRead MoreThe Behavioral Perspective Of Human Development1327 Words  | 6 Pageshuman life to determine which has the most significant influence on development. However, one theory usually does not account for all variables of human growth so more than one perspective may be used to analyze development. Two such perspectives, the behavioral and the contextual, explain development in different ways. The behavioral perspective focuses on observable behavior, while the contextual perspective focuses on interrelated systems that influence development. When applied to the case studyRead MoreExploring Consumer Buying Behaviors And The Creation Of Effective Marketing Strategies For An Organization1729 Words  | 7 PagesCreating and modifying an effective marketing mix is key to connecting with an organization’s target market segments, encouraging both new customer acquisition as well as customer rete ntion (Roper, and Fill, 2012). The marketing mix is comprised of four factors: Product – Offering products that connect with consumer-defined values. Price – Setting product pricing which consumers accept and the organization receives target revenues Additionally, pricing include discounting or specialized price strategiesRead MoreExamine and Assess the Influence of Other People on Human Behaviour and Performance.1704 Words  | 7 Pagesand assess the influence of other people on human behaviour and performance. This essay will examine and assess the influence of other people on human behaviour and performance, starting with Adorno et al (1950)s large-scale study on the authoritarian personality with its focus on the parental and family influence as well as alternative explanations, including evidence that multiple factors influence the formation of authoritarianism. It will then go on to examine the influence of peers inRead MoreFactors that influence consumer buying behavior1747 Words  | 7 PagesFactors that influence consumer buying behavior There are a lot of subjects for marketers to understand in order to get more customers purchasing their companies’ products or brands. Consumer buying behavior is one of the studies that marketers need to understand. Factors that influence consumer buying behavior can be classified into four classes which are social factor, cultural factor, personal factor and psychological factor. One of the factors that influence consumer buying behavior isRead MoreUsing Logit And Linear Regression Essay867 Words  | 4 PagesUsing Logit and Linear regression, we attempted to understand factors that influence students to leave their college or University, their average GPA, and graduating in four years. We tailor our study to first-generation students, in relation to PoC students. Because much of the differences in college success have been linked to social class and economic background we have controlled for family income, as well as race, level of cultural capital and student’s use of university services. Our analysis
Saturday, May 16, 2020
What Are The Types Of Marketing Or Business Research...
The two main types of marketing or business research are qualitative and quantitative research, these research methods vary based on the information gathered and how it ends up being gathered by researchers. Qualitative research is gathered using focus groups, in-depth interviews, as well as reviews of documents searching for themes and commonalities. The method for developing theory and hypothesis is based on inductive reasoning or logic after analyzing the information collected. The problems described are done from a subjective standpoint which is talking about problems from a point of view from a specific aspect of the company, narrowed down to a problem from one department to another’s concerns. The information gathered is on less of an amount of situations but the data collected is much more in depth. Quantitative research utilized the likes of surveys, structured interviews and observations, reviews of records and documents for measurement analysis of the subject matter. Testing is done in controlled situations for previously deciphered concepts and hypotheses that help to build a specific theory. The research conducted for quantitative methods is much more objective, it’s a larger opinion and the information is concentrated on much more broad terms and information to let the reader form their own opinions based on facts presented. Qualitative research can have a better effect on helping managers or organizations make a decision about a problem if the focus of theShow MoreRelated Marketing Research Tools Essay example1410 Words  | 6 PagesMarketing Research Tools Before launching or expanding a business venture, there needs to be an understanding of the industry, its competitors, and its customers. Market research is vital in assisting companies in the decision-making process and their marketing direction. 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Secondary data is data that have been previously gathered for some other purpose.†(Burns Bush, 2006). This paper will explore the differences in primary and secondary research when using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The paper will further discuss the tools that are used for each approach. Quantitative Qualitative Approaches â€Å"Quantitative research is definedRead MoreMarketing Research Tools Essay1277 Words  | 6 PagesMarketing Research Tools Strategic and tactical decisions need to be made when an organization needs to achieve the objectives of the research. Market research is a strategic step in determining the best solution for discovering opportunities and acquiring clients. This is the first critical step in the marketing department that creates a foundation for what a company needs to research to identify what opportunities are given and what steps need to be taken to achieve the goals. The process providesRead MoreIdentify and Evaluate Marketing Opportunities1314 Words  | 6 Pages| Identify And Evaluate Marketing Opportunities | Task 2 – Individual Case Study Assignment | | 1 List ways that Dell conducts research on its customers to continually improve products and services. What are the features of Dell’s research? Dell uses two ways to conduct research. Customer Advisory Panel (CAP) and Day Customer Spotlights on, it offers customers with wanted informal and formal information. The company wants to create customer answers to explicit thoughtsRead MoreHow Organizations Use Marketing Research to Contribute to the Development of Their Marketing Plans883 Words  | 4 PagesDescribe how a selected organization uses marketing research to contribute to the development of its marketing plans Primary and secondary research Marketing research informs businesses, helps them make decisions and understand the changing dynamics of its market. To know all of this you need to research your customers, competitors and the overall marketing environment. With that information you can analyze the data and make conclusions to improve the marketing of your products of services. The assignmentRead MoreUnit Three - Marketing P31133 Words  | 5 PagesMarketing Research Market research indicates decisions made by a business, in this case Tesco, by helping the decision makers understand undercurrents of its market. This process involves research done on customers, competitors and the overall marketing environment. For example, when Tesco is promoting a product, they need to know the likes and dislikes of their targeted consumers in order to target the correct market successfully. They would also be required to research about their competitorsRead MoreMarketing Research Literature Review1259 Words  | 6 PagesMarketing research I have chosen the market research because it is the very first step of most economical process. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
the life of a field slave VS the house Slave - 948 Words
The Life of a Field Slave VS the House Slave Slavery was a ruthless and dreadful way of life for all slaves. Yet there were differences in rank between slaves. Minor class slaves were â€Å"field slaves†. Superior class slaves were â€Å"house slaves†. The daily routines of these slaves differed to a great extent. Field slaves only function was production. Their duties were to plant and cultivate the crops, clear the land, flame the undergrowth, roll the wood, split rails, transport water, restore fences, spread fertilizer, and break the soil. Working since sunrise to sunset was purely and analogy for slave labor, they regularly worked before sunrise and considerably past dusk. A house slave every day routine incorporated†¦show more content†¦Any time one group thought that another group was getting something that they weren’t getting tensions often rise. The field slaves were mindful of the better treatment such as the cultural and travel opportunities, and educational opportunities that house sl aves received. This normally caused tension with field slaves and house slaves because field slaves felt it was biased. According to some African literature books the classification of these two classes were created base on physical appearance and skin color. The more the skin completion of the slave favor the master the likely it would be for this slave to be a house slave, and the darker skin complexion of the slave would classify them to be a field slave. History show that slavery on those ranks was in both genders it wasn’t a sense of discrimination against the slave. After all slaves were treated equally, it was a way that the institution was design to control the slave. Overall slavery was about the same for both of those classes when viewing it in labor and suffering ways. Both the field slave and the house slave were treated on very inhuman ways. Anybody who loses their dignity and freedom will feel like they would have nothing to liveShow MoreRelatedLight Skin, The Right Skin1252 Words  | 6 Pagesthe United States. Colorism has been passed down generation after generation. It is dated all the way back to the slavery dates. The idea of light skin being better than dark skin has been deeply rooted in our culture. We see colorism in our everyday life on social network, in our workplace, school, and relationship. We don’t even recognize it because we are unfamiliar of the word colorism and its meaning. So we ignore the fact that people are being treated different in their own race because of theRead MoreA Study Of African History1384 Words  | 6 PagesEuropeans and they used this to help justify slavery. However, the reality was very different. A study of African history shows that Africa was by no means inferior to Europe. 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Declaration of Independence 1776 †¢ The Declaration of independence was a document written by Thomas Jefferson that declared America’s independence from Britain. The document also stated the natural rights of the people: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 2. Treaty Alliance of 1778 †¢ The Treaty Alliance of 1778 was an alliance created between the United States and France during American Revolution. The alliance gave the United States a significant advantage as theyRead MoreThe Rituals Surrounding The Death Of A Slave1617 Words  | 7 Pagesdeath of a slave in Christianity. Slavery has existed for many centuries in Christianity as part of the social environment. Both the Old and New Testament (Bible) regarded it as a just practice while many individuals opposed it. This is in turn has developed an intense conflict between whether or not slavery is considered wrong. Regardless though, the effects it had on slaves continuously changed as time passed. 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These children were referred to as mulatto, meaning â€Å"the offspring of a pure African Negro and a pure white†(Davis), and their treatment was often based on the complexion of their skin; if they had fairer skin, they were sent to work in the master’s house and were often times treated better than slaves o had more melanin in their skin, who were often forced to work in the fields (Colorism/Color-Struck: House Slave vs. Field SlaveRead MoreLabor As An Agent Of Production And The Differences Of Productive Labor And Unproductive Labor1235 Words  | 5 Pagesequal to the labor for the miller which make the produced for the baker? When it comes to employment for substance such as corn, flour and wheat involves more than one state. Productive operations required the product ion of corn and wheat from the field. Transporting the product from one town to another add another level to productive labor. Under the production umbrella there are five mode to discuss. First is Labor that produces materials for industry, which industry is to be thereafter utilizedRead MoreThe Underground Railroad : The Declaration Of Independence1587 Words  | 7 PagesRailroad In American History, Kem Knapp Sawyer states that the number of slaves in the South had gone from 1,519,017 in 1820 to almost 4 million in 1860. Araminta Ross was one of those people. She was born a slave, beaten, abused and forced to work for her owners. Her life and her families’ life was extremely hard. The Fugitive Slave Act in America stated that a slave could be captured and returned from a free state and helping slaves escape was a crime. A History Of US War, Terrible War 1855-1865Read MoreBooker T Washington Vs W. E. B De Dubois Essay1445 Words  | 6 Pages Both think so differe nt but fight for the same thing? How can two people that our similar but at the time have different ways of life come together to achieve the same goal?Imagine 30 years after slavery ended you because of the color of your skin are still being mistreated. During the time of Booker and W.E.B the Jim crow law was created to segregate blacks and whites. Because of the segregation blacks had their own society like community only dealing with each other. Blacks were separated from
The Debate Over E Books Vs Books Essay - 804 Words
The debate over e-books vs books in print has been a controversial issue since the digital age began. There are a variety of people with different viewpoints that make it very difficult for school districts to make decisions over this dispute. Some grade level students prefer using digital textbooks over using printed books because it makes learning more interesting and interactive. Some grade level teachers and parents, however, think digital textbooks can be a distraction in the classroom. The issues concerned in this controversial discussion include the cost, learning distractions,and health issues involved, and the motivation to learn. There are many schools in grades K-12 that are digitizing their textbooks. One positive factor of using e-books in schools has been the cost. In the article written by the MacNn staff, they informed the public that switching from textbooks to e-books â€Å"will save schools about $250 per student per year†(MacNn). Districts will then be able to utilize their remaining budgets to purchase upgrades, software, and other materials able to maintain the e-books throughout the years as technology advances. Using digital textbooks in school also creates a more interesting and interactive learning environment for grade level students. In a PBS blog post covering a survey that includes K-12 grade level teachers shows that â€Å"According to the survey, tech resources used most often in the classroom include†an increase of motivation by the students toShow MoreRelatedDifference Between Print Books And E Books940 Words  | 4 PagesReading books is one of the things that have a major impact on people’s life. As the time is passing, technology is reaching new heights and one of the popular gift that technology has given to world in recent past is E Books. E books is basically the digital face of printed books. Now the whole debate of printed books vs e books has heated up and some of us have our own respective views. In this report, we are going to discuss about the how in this fast-paced world of technology print books are stillRead MoreThe Debate Between Evolution and Creationism1648 Words  | 7 PagesIf the question was posed as to what is the debate between creationism vs. evolution consist of, the thought that it is ‘â€Å"God did it†vs. â€Å"Natural processes did it,†’ (Scott, 2004) may arise. Science cannot absolutely prove or disprove Creation or Evolution. Yet scientist and the remainder of society use creationism and evolution to prove our existence. Creationist believe in the Christian account of the ori gin as recorded in Genesis. Creationism is the belief that statements such as â€Å"In the beginningRead MoreEssay on Traditional Publishing vs. e-Publishing1234 Words  | 5 PagesTraditional Publishing vs. e-Publishing Once upon a time, if someone wanted their ideas to be seen in writing, they had to go through the long, tenuous process of publishing, which cost a good deal of time and money, and was a gamble at all points in the process. Today, however, individuals can instead choose to self publish their works through the World Wide Web, allowing for minimal work to exposure time lapse, and a more one-on-one approach to reading. e-Publishing is a powerful mediumRead MoreNature vs. Nurture: a Biblical Perspective1531 Words  | 7 PagesRUNNING TITLE: Nature vs. Nurture Nature vs. Nurture: A Biblical Perspective Ouida Lynne Heath Psychology 101, Module 5 Professor Roberts December 17, 2009 Nature vs. Nurture: A Biblical Perspective The Nature versus Nurture debate has been ongoing for centuries. People have tried to gain power through knowledge in determining what causes the human â€Å"mind to tick.†For centuries leaders and scientists haveRead MoreNature vs. Nurture: A Biblical Perspective1182 Words  | 5 PagesThe Nature versus Nurture debate has been ongoing for centuries. People have tried to gain power through knowledge in determining what causes the human â€Å"mind to tick.†For centuries leaders and scientists have performed unethical and immoral studies to determine why two people with similar genetic composition can come from similar backgrounds and turn out so differently. I have witnessed a person raised in a poor home by parents with drug addictions become a thriving contributable member of societyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Celia A Slave Melton Essay1268 Words  | 6 PagesThe book Celia A Slave Melton McLaurin is telling us what happened to a slave owner and a slave t hat he brought. This story goes into details on the day of June 23,1855 about how a female slave that murdered her master and how she tried to cover it up. This story took place not far from Jefferson City in Calloway Country here in Missouri when around this time there were still debates over what state is going to be free and what states is going to be a slave one. As you’re reading the book you willRead MoreOn January 1, 2016, The Institute Of Contemporary History1736 Words  | 7 Pagessurprise, considering that the largely anti-Semitic book was banned after the Second World War (BBC). Ironically, many scholars welcomed this move, stating that it could help humanity understand the intricacies of the Nazi regime. Some Jewish groups reacted in the same manner, auguring that it would shed more light on the Holocaust. However, despite the existence of several copies of the book, government officials were reluctant to have the book declared â€Å"open access,†fearin g that it could triggerRead MoreShould Abortion Be Made Illegal? The United States?937 Words  | 4 PagesCon Side of Debate Summary: â€Å"Should abortion be made illegal in the United States?†Imagine, over 53 million people are killed in the worst case of genocide ever recorded in the history of mankind. What should be done to stop those terrible atrocities? Should someone be hold accountable? What about the senseless slaughter of innocent fetuses? Abortion has affected us all in one way or another since Roe vs. Wade, and it s legalization. The morality issue is one, which will have a hauntingRead MoreCreationism Vs. Creationism : Creationism And Creationism2371 Words  | 10 PagesLunden Wright 5th Period English 10-Beasely Date Creationism vs. Evolutionism â€Å"In religion faith is a virtue; in science it’s a vice†(Jerry A. Coyne). There are many debates between creationism and evolution. Creationism is the belief that a creator created the Earth. Many religions believe in a holy creator or creators. Creationists believe that the forged Earth was complete and never changed. Evolution is the belief that all life started from a single atom and changed overtime into the worldRead MoreThe Nomothetic Approach in Personality Testing1573 Words  | 7 Pagesinfluence of both nature and nurture. The nomothetic approach in regard to the nature-nurture debate assumes that personality is mainly inherited, as opposed to being nurtured. The approach involves the study of types or traits of ones individual in personality research and assessment. A trait is a repetitive pattern such as always being untidy or late. Theorists generally assume that traits are fairly stable over time, and that traits are different among individuals. A type is defined by the dominant
Aztec Indians Essay Research Paper The Aztec free essay sample
Aztec Indians Essay, Research Paper The Aztec Indians, who are known for their domination of southern and cardinal Mexico, ruled between the 14th and 16th centuries. They built a great imperium and developed really modernised ways of making things. They had phenomenal architectural accomplishments and waterway systems. The Aztec Indians besides had really developed societal category and authorities systems and practiced a signifier of faith. To get down with, the Aztecs were really skilled in the art of Architecture and waterway systems. ? An illustration of the monumental architecture within the Aztec society is the great pyramid of Tenochtitlan. Montezuma I, who was the swayer of the Aztecs in 1466, created it. The pyramid was non finished until the regulation of Montezuma II, around 1508? ( Carrasco, Montezuma Mexico, Pg. 49 ) . ? Aztec metropoliss and towns besides had working imbibing H2O and waste intervention systems. An intricate plumbing system utilizing clay pipes ran down from the mountains around Mexico vale to all of the towns and metropoliss in the vale. We will write a custom essay sample on Aztec Indians Essay Research Paper The Aztec or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the H2O ran into each town or metropolis it was the dispersed to 10 or 12 topographic points around town were it flowed into a pool for imbibing H2O or was piped into public baths and lavatories. Merely Lords had working imbibing and bathing systems with running H2O in their places. The sewerage system worked much like today, holding human wastes carried to a aggregation pool where solids were collected, and so holding liquids run off into a series of patios which filtered the H2O. Solid wastes were allowed to sit in a aggregation pool for about six months and so were brought to the lake gardens to be used as fertiliser? ( Jennings, Aztec, Pg. 220 ) . ? The Aztec societal construction contained four good defined categories. At the underside of the pile were slaves and helot, or the Tlacotli, who worked the private lands of the aristocracy. Following came the Macehualtin, ? the fortunate, ? as they were called because they were every bit free of the heavy duty of the aristocracy and of the slave? s liability to being meanly used. They were the merchandisers, tradesmans and craftsmans that made up the majority of the population. The Macehualtin belonged to place blood-related groups known as calpulli or? large houses, ? each of which had it? s ain lands, kin leaders, and temple? ( Jennings, Aztec, Pg. 354 ) . ? After that came the familial aristocracy or Pipiltin, who supplied the top administrative officials in the Aztec imperial system, and from whose ranks was a formed a council which advised the emperor and elected his replacement from the opinion line of descent. Besides all of the aristocracy had the sound # 8220 ; ztin # 82 21 ; added to the terminal of their name. At the really top of the ladder was the Uey-Tlatoani, or revered talker. He had absolute control over civil personal businesss and it was his occupation to increase the size of the Aztec Empire every twelvemonth and if he didn # 8217 ; t pay adequate wars within a period of clip he would be impeached and replaced by the Pipiltin? ( Oliphant, Atlas of the Ancient World. Pg. 268 ) . ? The Aztec authorities consisted of chiefly of the leading of the royal house and the huge bureaucratism backed by it. The Uey-Tlatoani dealed chiefly with external personal businesss of the Aztec imperium, such as get downing wars and doing peace pacts. Besides there was a parallel swayer, another member of the royal line of descent, known as the Cihuacoatl. He dealt chiefly with the internal personal businesss of Tenochti tlan such as the H2O system and the justness system. The bureaucratism was set into topographic point by the Lords and performed the same map that civil retainers execute today? ( Oliphant, Atlas of the Ancient World, 195 ) . To keep the imperium the Aztec authorities made the districts it conquered contributes twice annually. Taxs were collected from the districts besides and careful histories were kept of what districts had to pay. The heavy revenue enhancement and forced testimonial disgruntled many districts. When Hernando Cortez arrived in the early 1500’s they were happy to assist him as undercover agents and sources? ( Blacker, Cortez and The Aztec Conquest, 143 ) . ? Aztec faith was based on the worship of many Gods, but the most of import was the Sun God. Aztec priests were non allowed to bathe or rinse of all time during their clip as a priest. This resulted in the priests going encrusted with blood and backbones over clip. The Great Pyramid was built as a giving platform to the Gods. At the really top were an communion table and a statue of the Sun God, which had a hollow organic structure in which the priests placed their victim? s bosom? ( Oliphant, Atlas of the Ancient World, Pg. 197 ) . Every twelvemonth Tenochtitlan launched a? Flowery War, ? in which mock conflicts would take topographic point for the exclusive intent of taking captives. Normally the wars were little between states in the imperium but one twelvemonth a big war with an overpowering licking by the state of Tenochtitlan took topographic point and it is estimated that between 10 and 80 1000 captives were taken? ( Jennings, Aztec, Pg. 436 ) . ? After a? Flowery War, ? capti ves were marched back to a states capital and put to a? Flowery Death. ? That is, being sacrificed to the Gods. In the twelvemonth that Tenochtitlan took all those captives, it took the priests one full hebdomad to set all the captives to decease. It is said that the country around The great pyramid turned into a lake of blood and the hemorrhoids of organic structures were taller so the buildings. ? ( Jennings, Aztec, Pg. 328. ) These different elements show how the Aztec civilization flourished for so long, but besides they besides show how it brought about the Aztecs terminal. Without these features, the Aztecs would hold neer developed into the immense imperium and civilization that they became. The Aztec imperium is now gone, along with about all of the first-class works that the civilization created, the great lake, the centre of the one universe, and most of the Aztec memorials have been buried under the slums of what is now known as Mexico metropolis. The few artefacts that did last merely did so because they were placed in a museum or buried and delve up late. What a sad terminals for what was one time the most comfortable state in Latin America. One thing has survived though, the Aztec linguistic communication Nahuatl, may it last everlastingly in rebelliousness of the 1s who tried to pass over it from the face of the Earth. Plants Cited Blacker, Irwan R, Cortez and the Aztec conquering, New York: American Heritage, 1978. Carrasco, David, Scott Sessions. Niwot Colorado: University imperativeness of Colorado, 1992. Pg. 49. Coe, Michael, Elizabeth Benson. Atlas of Ancient America. New York: Equinox, 1986. Pg. 125, 128, 130, 146. Jennings, Gary. Aztec. Avon, 1980. Pg. 92, 220, 329, 354, 436. Oliphant, Margaret. Atlas of the Ancient World. Simon A ; Shuster, 1992. Pg. 195, 197, 268.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Discuss the dramatic effectiveness of the soliloquies in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example For Students
Discuss the dramatic effectiveness of the soliloquies in Romeo and Juliet Essay Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story, which was written in 1595 by William Shakespeare. The play is about a young couple who have fallen deeply in love with one another, but are unable to be happy because of the everlasting feud between the two families have together. In Romeo and Juliet long speeches are made by characters, to add suspense these speeches are called soliloquies and are used to express ones true thoughts and feelings to the audience aloud, soliloquy in Romeo and Juliet. The Friars soliloquy has a massive dramatic effect on the audience. I think this because in the Friars soliloquy it has a lot of opposites, tomb, womb, medicine, poison, weeds, flowers, night, day. These opposites give us the idea that the Friar is trying to tell us something by forwarding the plot; he starts to talk about life and death, The earth thats natures mother is her tomb, what is her burying grave that is her womb. Within the infant rind of this weak flower, Poison hath residence and medicine power. The Friar reminds us of things that have already happened or are going to happen, the friar gives us a sort of premonition by saying Poison we know that Romeo dies from poison. The Friar also says And vice sometime by action dignified, this gives us the impression that the Friar is talking about Romeo killing Tybalt, but Romeo very deeply regretting it. The Friars soliloquy is before we are aware that Romeo and Juliet are going to marry so our emotions are running very high, as we are happy for them both. But then he goes on to talk about the aspects of living, which makes the audience feel very emotional. We learn from the Friars soliloquy that his character is a very kind and thought full man, he thinks a lot about nature. As he talks about plants, day and night the grey-eyed moon smiles on the frowning night, Check ring the eastern clouds with streaks of light: We also learn that hes very clever and a very knowledgeable man. The Friar talks a lot about the good and bad in plants and people. In a man as well as herbs, grace and rude will; and where the worser is predominant The Friars soliloquy adds to our understanding that Shakespeares audience was interested in science and religion because the year that Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, it was the renaissance period, In the Friars soliloquy he talks a lot about science. In plants, herbs, stones, and their true qualities; In the man as well as herbs, grace and rude will; The Friars soliloquy adds dramatic effectiveness because of the techniques he uses, like dramatic irony this keeps the audience interested in whats going to happen. In Juliets soliloquy we learn a lot about Juliets feelings and thoughts. Juliet is a young girl deeply in love with Romeo Give me my Romeo; and when I shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine. Juliet has just married the love of her life and she feels overwhelmed with happiness. Juliet is very excited yet nervous about spending the night with Romeo where she plans on having sex with him for the first time. Juliet comes across as very impatient. Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds She saying that she wants the sun to be taken away and the night to come quickly. And bring in cloudy night immediately. We are also aware that Juliet is worried about the families feud between the Montagues, she wants to keep her marriage to Romeo a secret so she can be with him. Spread thy close curtain, love performing night; that runaways eyes may wink, As much as shes excited and impatient about seeing Romeo shes also very nervous and embarrassed about the fact shes going to lose her virginity, Hood my unmanned blood, bating in my cheeks. Juliets says in her soliloquy, O, I have brought the mansion of a love, but not possessed it; and though I am sold. Juliet means by this that shes has brought Romeo by marring him and has sold herself to Romeo by marring him and when she sleeps with him that will make the marriage solid. .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea , .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea .postImageUrl , .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea , .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea:hover , .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea:visited , .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea:active { border:0!important; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea:active , .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2afc3d092432ebd8dbffce2739e724ea:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Comparison of the ways the Poets in Nothings Changed and Vultures EssayIn Juliets soliloquy the technique dramatic irony is used just like in the Friars soliloquy. To an impatient child that hath new robes. And may not wear them, Juliets imaging what lifes going to be like with Romeo, when the audience is aware that this isnt going to happen, because Romeo has just killed Juliets cousin Tybalt. As the audience are aware of what has happened, this technique also adds dramatic effect because the audience feel ashamed for Romeo and pity and sorrow for Juliet, because shes talking about how much she loves Romeo and how she wants to live happily ever after but Juliet may neve r see Romeo again because he has to be punished for killing Tybalt, the consequences are either to be banished from Verona or put to death. Like the Friars soliloquy, Juliets also has opposite in it, this once again adds dramatic effectiveness as she wait for her Romeo, and talks about losing her virginity she uses opposites as such as, snow on a ravens back, losing and winning, day and night. Romeos soliloquy is the longest soliloquy from the three. In the soliloquy we learn that Romeo is very impulsive. He acted on without thought when he killed Tybalt and Paris and hes also very upset because he believes Juliet is dead. Call this a lightning? O, my love my wife! Death that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, Dramatic irony is used again; Romeo believes that Juliet is dead, but the audience know that shes just sleeping. Dramatic irony creates frustration, the audience are frustrated because they know that Juliet is just sleeping and shes alive, so we are feeling very anxious. The length of the soliloquy also adds suspense because as Romeo is talking we are hoping that hes going to talk just a little bit longer so that Juliet can wake up just before Romeo takes the poison. Fear also affects the audience because of the grotesque imagery, which reminds us of the tragedy in the story, and it also creates a suitable atmosphere for the misfortune in the scene, With worms that are chambermaids. O here will I set up my everlasting rest. Everlasting rest means to die, so when he says that the audience know that Romeo is going to kill himself. The soliloquies in Romeo and Juliet all create suspense and have dramatic effectiveness. The Friars creates suspense by forwarding the plot and talking about science and religion. Juliets soliloquy creates suspense and dramatic effectiveness through dramatic irony and getting the emotions of the audiences high. Romeos soliloquy creates suspense and dramatic effectiveness by the length; the fatal flaw the grotesques imagery and the dramatic irony in it. I think that Romeos adds more suspense because the length of it makes the audience very anxious the dramatic irony makes the audience frustrated because we know she is alive we are all eager to find out whether Juliet will wake up in time to stop Romeo from dying or whether it will end in a fatal flaw.
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