Friday, May 31, 2019
Teaching Goals and Philosophy Essay examples -- Education Teachers Sch
T from each oneing Goals and Philosophy Entering the field of education requires a person to take on many actually important responsibilities. Teachers play a very vital role in the lives and futures of many individuals. Through the perspective of a teacher, many students come and go stratum after year. The names and faces of many students are often forgotten as you enter and new year with new students, new faces, and new names. On the otherwise hand, although educators encounter many more students then students do educators, a teacher has a much more substantial impact on the life of a student. Upon taking this into consideration, I was led to ask myself many important questions. What do I hope to accomplish as a teacher? What do I wish for my students to accomplish in my classroom? Also, what are my professional development plans? First of all, I realize that every child is a unique individual, and no one is superior to any other, regardless of who exce ls academically, athletically, or socially. I feel that it is important for all students to treated equally. Everyone has positive qualities about them and teachers should find these qualities in every student. Teachers should make the students aware of their unique characteristics and encourage them to make the most of them. Every child should feel important, worthwhile, and accepted. Without the necessary self-esteem, it will be very difficult for a child to focus on his or her education. Students should be encouraged to accept themselves and each other. The same opportunities should be accessible to every student so that each child will have an equal chance to grow and l pull ahead. Secondly, although every child is equal and should be treated a... should be built to help them to bring home the bacon I future situations. They need to learn to be independent, free-thinking, and empathetic. They should have a strong sense of self yet be open-minded to the many contrastive things that life has to offer them. School should prepare students for the future while at the same time, help them to enjoy and appreciate the present. I hope to eventually earn my certification in K-6 multi-subject education and from there I would like to find a job teaching one of the lower grades. I think that I will find a career in the educational field to be a very fulfilling one. Children are very important and people sometimes overlook the fact that they have ideas, hopes, and dreams that are very real and meaningful to them. Someday, I hope to take part in helping children to become happy, responsible, and fertile adults.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
hurricanes :: essays research papers
Hurricanes are one of the deadliest and most expensive natural disasters around. They are more parkland in areas of humid yet moist suffer so they are very foreign to certain places. But to the places were hurricanes are the norm, the people take them extremely gravely because they kill people and ruin countless amounts of property. Hurricanes can attack and harm people in so many ways they can kill people, renounce them homeless, it leaves children orphaned and disable them. On the west coast of the United States and other places hurricanes arent taken as seriously as other more common disasters, such as, earthquakes and volcanoes yet the hurricane can be a lot more damaging that both of those. Hurricanes are cyclones that develop everywhere warm oceans and breed winds that stammer yup to 74 miles per hour. In the hurricane the mixture of the water system and winds can be extremely damaging. The winds are extremely dangerous and usually dont go high-speed than about 75 miles per hour but have been documented to go as fast as 85 miles per hour. Due to the fact that hurricanes need water to survive they cannot go too far on land, but that does not stop them from causing billions of dollars in damages. Hurricanes are so dangerous that they were listed number 1 on the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Hazard and Disasters list.Picture this, you laying on top of you car as you are being violently slung low your street, which was once dry and calm and is now wet and foreign, at an extremely rapid pace. You cant find your family and all you can do is apprehend that they havent drowned and are able to stay afloat against the violent waters that are angrily attempting to destroy everything in its path. You look around the weather is gray and its raining heavily. It is a struggle to breathe between the rapid rain and the violent waters which are attempting to pull you under, forever. Your house no longer exists it is broken down from the pounding wa ters and fast winds. That is exactly what it would be like if you were in the midst of a hurricane. After hurricanes are over the confusion is crazy, children who had loving families are now orphaned, people become homeless, and people miss certain joys such as walking due to becoming paralyzed.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Analysis of Wallace Stevens 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird :: Wallace Stevens 13 Ways Blackbird Essays
Analysis of Wallace Stevens 13 Ways of Looking at a Black hushingThirteen ways of looking at a merl by Wallace Stevens is a poetryabout what it means to really know something. In this poem, Stevens shows thisconnection by writing a first person poem about a poets observation andcontemplations when viewing a blackbird. He does this by making each stanza anexplanation of a new way he has sensed this blackbird. First, he writes abouthis physical perception of the blackbird as an observer. Then, he writes abouthis mental processes during this time. These are as the thoughts andperceptions of the blackbird itself, as what it must be like to be that bird. Bythe end, he has concluded that by seeing this blackbird, a connection has beenmade and he now knows the blackbird has becomes a persona of him.In the first stanza, he focuses on the eye of the blackbird as anoutside observer. This symbolizes the thoughts and the consciousness of theblackbird. It is also a transition from the observe rs perception to theblackbirds perception. In the instant stanza, Stevens goes on to say that hewas of ?three minds, Like a tree, In which there are three blackbirds.? This wasthe first time he makes the connection amid seeing the blackbird and himhimself metaphorically being the blackbird. He makes this connection even moreclear in the fourth stanza when he says that ?A man and a woman Are one. A manand a woman and a blackbird are one. In the sixth stanza he goes back to beingthe poet observer as he watches the blackbird fly by his icy window. Again inthe next stanza he goes back to the point of view of the blackbird wonder whythe men of Haddam only imagine golden birds instead of realizing the value ofthe common blackbird. At this time, he makes the connection that in seeing andknowing the blackbird it becomes a part of himself. When he says in the eighthstanza ?I know noble accents And lucid, inescapable rhythms But I know, too,That the blackbird is involved In what I know.? he is acknowledging that he isstill a poet but when he sees, thinks, and writes about the blackbird, in a wayhe is also the blackbird. After this, the black bird and the poet observer areseparated but in the twelfth stanza Stevens writes ?The river is moving. Theblackbird must be flying.? This is meant to show that though the observers
Come Shouting to Zion and the development of African-American Religious Culture :: Religion Shouting Zion Essays
Come Shouting to Zion and the development of African-American Religious CultureMissing Works CitedIn detailing the long process by which African-Americans came to take over Protestant Christianity and shape their own unique form of it, Frey and Wood emphasize African agency throughout. Their case is better supported by evidence in the 19th century than in the 18th, during which time Christianity had little effect on slave society through the efforts of Anglicans, not so much because Africans rejected the gospel as because whites withheld Christian brotherhood from blacks. As blacks in the American South and in the British Caribbean struggled to develop individual and collective identities from the persistent remnants of African close and their new conditions of life, the series of efforts by evangelicals to convert slaves eventually gave rise to a distinct African-American form of Christian theology, worship style, and spectral community.The importance of organized religion amon g African Americans, as among all people, rests on fulfilling the human need for an understanding of ones place in both the spiritual and temporal world. plot of ground it is difficult, as Frey and Wood concede, to know with certainty what lay behind Africans confessions of conversion to Christianity, we can understand how religion played a critical role in defining social relationships among slaves and between blacks and whites. Frey and Wood explain the appeal and success of Evangelicalism among slaves when they assert, Deprived of their traditional supernatural means of dealing with recurrent life crises, African-Americans discover in evangelical conversion requirements an opportunity to reassert private authority based on their ability to communicate directly with God and to bring others to agnise the need for personal repentance and acceptance of Jesus (109). One early example that supports this link between religious involvement and a sense of personal identity, if not between conversion and increasing social prestige or power, is found in a slave woman who tells Moravian missionaries that her people have shape up from across the sea and lost their father and mother, and therefore want to know the Moravians Father above. The displacement of Africans, for whom locality was critical to interactions with the spiritual world, did not deprive them of their religious cosmologies, but required them to learn the spiritual landscape of their new home and reshape their practices accordingly. Come Shouting to Zion details the many religious rituals that Africans preserved in the new world, especially those surrounding fundamental life events such as the birth and naming of children, marriage, burial ceremonies, and ritual dancing and singing to communicate with ancestors and deities.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay examples --
The Sibling Rivalry in Shakespeares Taming of the ShrewRivalry between family is an intense, emotional competition among siblings that can put them against one another to contain approval, attention, or love. This is an aspect that has been frequently the plot of many plays, books and films. Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare teaches the audience that preference within a family may led to potent hate when it comes to sisters. A play which embodies the rivalry between sisters Katharina and Bianca, produced by their fathers and spouse candidate preference toward Bianca.Shakespeare establishes a clear comparison between the sisters through their father, Baptista. From the beginning of the play we follow out a clear preference toward Bianca. He discusses how their daughter are to be in a relationship. Gentlemen, importune me no farther,/That is, not to bestow my youngest daughter/ beforehand I have a husband for the elder./If either of you both love Katharina,/ Because I know you well and love you well/ Leave shall you have to solicit her at your pleasure (1.1.48-54). Baptista freely offers Katharina with out any detachment, while Bianca should be courted properly by the men. In addition to her father preferences, the mates wanting to espouse the sisters also like Bianca. As one of the mates discussing which they prefer, Tranio refers to The eldest sister is so curst and shrewd /That till the father rid his hands of her (1.1.180). From the set-back scenes it is clear that there is rivalry between who is the better sister.Katharine was considered a shrew for the fact that she is strong willed and independent, very opposite to her younger sister, as she is described as caring and subservient. By the second act Katharina reacts to a ... ...shamed that women are so simple/ To offer war where they should kneel for peace/ Or meetk for rule, control and sway/ When they are bound to serve, love, and obey(5.1.165-168). Katherina ends her speech by telling the women that their husbands are their lords, masters and keepers, that women owe their husbands the same loyalty a subject owes his king. The encounter between the sisters is an example of a tense relationships, physical violence and a continuous struggle for attention, affection and love of their father. Not until the end of the play we see Baptist being content with the results of his daughters new husbands. The relationship between Katharina and Bianca is a realistic in its portrayal of rivalry between siblings, and it allows the audience to connect with the theme of this play. The value of true sisterhood and how its can later effect their lives.
Essay examples --
The Sibling Rivalry in Shakespeares Taming of the ShrewRivalry mingled with family is an intense, emotional competition among siblings that can put them against one another to obtain approval, attention, or love. This is an aspect that has been frequently the plot of many leads, books and films. Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare teaches the audience that preference within a family may led to potent hate when it comes to sisters. A play which embodies the rivalry between sisters Katharina and Bianca, produced by their fathers and spouse candidate preference toward Bianca.Shakespeare establishes a light up comparison between the sisters through their father, Baptista. From the beginning of the play we see a clear preference toward Bianca. He discusses how their daughter are to be in a relationship. Gentlemen, importune me no farther,/That is, not to bestow my youngest daughter/Before I have a husband for the elder./If either of you both love Katharina,/ Because I know you well and love you well/ Leave shall you have to court her at your pleasure (1.1.48-54). Baptista freely offers Katharina with out any detachment, while Bianca should be courted properly by the men. In addition to her father preferences, the mates wanting to marry the sisters as well like Bianca. As one of the mates discussing which they prefer, Tranio refers to The eldest sister is so curst and shrewd /That till the father rid his hands of her (1.1.180). From the first scenes it is clear that there is rivalry between who is the better sister.Katharine was considered a shrew for the fact that she is strong willed and independent, very opposite to her younger sister, as she is described as pity and subservient. By the second act Katharina reacts to a ... ...shamed that women are so simple/ To offer war where they should kneel for peace/ Or seek for rule, supremacy and stockpile/ When they are bound to serve, love, and obey(5.1.165-168). Katherina ends her speech by telling the w omen that their husbands are their lords, masters and keepers, that women owe their husbands the same loyalty a subject owes his king. The conflict between the sisters is an example of a tense relationships, physical violence and a continuous struggle for attention, affection and love of their father. Not until the end of the play we see Baptist macrocosm content with the results of his daughters new husbands. The relationship between Katharina and Bianca is a realistic in its portrayal of rivalry between siblings, and it allows the audience to connect with the theme of this play. The values of real sisterhood and how its can later effect their lives.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Hughes Promotes the African Civilization Essay
Still recognized as superstar of the literary giants of the States. Langston Hughes vie an of import function as a author and mind of the Harlem Renaissance. This was an artistic motion of African the Statesns that arose during the 1920s to observe the lives and civilization of Africans in the United States ( Langston Hughes ) . Because well-nigh of the African Americans had been brought to the New World as slaves of white Masterss. it was poets and authors like Hughes. an African American adult male. that helped to alter the perceptual experience of African Americans in the heads of the Whites one time shackles had been abolished.Hughes verse figure of speechs. The blackamoor Speaks of Rivers published in 1926. and blackness published in 1958. hence depict African Americans as ordinary gracious existences like everybody else. and yet richer in civilization and civilisation than many others. seeing that they have participated in the building of the great pyramids. mentioned in both verse forms ( Hughes. 2007 Hughes ) . Hughes was make and unfastened nearly the fact that his Hagiographas were meant to elate the conditions facing Africans in the United States ( Hughes. 1923 ) . They had been slaves. so therefore the Whites did non esteem them plenty even after the abolition of bondage.The pitch blackness Speaks of Rivers was published five old ages after the Tulsa Riot and during the Harlem Renaissance ( career Riot. Lynchings. and other Forms of Racism in the 1920s ) . Negro. on the other manus. was published at a clip when racism was considered a bigger job than earlier. In fact. during the 1950s racism was at the head of American idea ( Lewis. 2002 ) . Many conflicts were fought to countersink inkinesss equal to Whites in the heads of all Americans. Hughes part of the fiftiess. his verse form Negro. was merely different to the extent that it was an artists part.Countless other Africans were contending on the streets of America to put things ri ght one time and for all. Both verse forms. The Negro Speaks of Rivers and Negro. are looks of African American individuality. The first verse form begins therefore Ive known rivers ( Hughes ) . In the 2nd as in the first. although the poet has made clear that the storyteller is a negro the verse form. Negro begins with the words. I am a Negro ( Hughes. 2007 ) . Because the Whites had been Masterss over African slaves. they were inclined to look down upon Africans. Since the Whites were proprietors of belongings in America and surely richer. the inkinesss longed to be like the Whites.But. Hughes would wish the Africans to experience at place in their ain teguments. With images of rivers every bit expansive as of the Euphrates. the Nile and the Mississippi the verse form. The Negro Speaks of Rivers. reminds the African of his or her historical roots or the bill of the great African peoples who have traveled across all of these rivers adding value to the historical watercourse of civilizations. The verse form has irregular. long lines without beat because it is doing a basic point the African psyche is every bit dusky as any human psyche could be. The African single indulges in deep thought as he travels across antediluvian rivers.What he must brood on is his ain individuality on foreign dirt. Remembering the recital of his civilisation. he must maintain in head that life carries on. Whats more. the poet reminds his fellow African that the black race has survived despite all odds ( Hughes ) . Because The Negro Speaks of Rivers was published during the extremum of Harlem Renaissance. it refers to depth of the African psyche. given that art is frequently understood as the voice of the psyche and the Harlem Renaissance was all about go on African art and civilization in the United States.Using soft images such as the Mississippis bosom turning aureate in the sundown. the poet uses his accent on rivers to stand as a symbol for the deepness of the African ps yche ( Hughes ) . Negro. published during the 1950s besides references depths ( Hughes. 2007 ) . As in The Negro Speaks of Rivers. the deepnesss mentioned by Hughes in both verse forms most likely refer to the deepness of African knowledge excessively. After all. both verse forms refer to the annals of Africans.Negro. with its sentence agreements depicting either what had happened to Africans or what they have done in the history of the African civilisation besides makes reference of the experiences and/or accomplishments that set Africans apart. for illustration. bondage and vocalizing ( Hughes. 2007 ) . The poet represents all Africans in both his verse form. The Negro Speaks of Rivers and Negro. What is more. both poems reference the fact that the Africans were portion of the labour force that built the ancient pyramids. In The Negro Speaks of Rivers. it was the African who looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it ( Hughes ) .In Negro. the pyramid is said to hold arisen under the African manus. implying that the African was greatly skilled even at the clip of ancient pyramid building ( Hughes. 2007 ) . The chief difference between the two verse forms. The Negro Speaks of Rivers and Negro is. doubtless. the spirit of hope felt by the first verse form versus the sense of desperation assorted with hope in the 2nd verse form. Hughes must hold composed The Negro Speaks of Rivers in a different frame of head whole. The verse form clearly promotes the African American civilization and art as originating in the deep history of humanity ( Hughes ) .Although Negro makes reference of universe history excessively. it does non needfully advance African American art. apart from its mention to vocalizing. The African American may be considered as more of a labourer or low paid worker than an creative person in Negro ( Hughes. 2007 ) . Possibly the verse form was non written to advance African American art at all. As mentioned antecedently. the 1950 s saw the Whites and inkinesss of America contending over the inquiry of equal rights of Africans in about all major countries of province operation. including instruction. There were terrible jobs related to racism during this period of American history.Clearly. inkinesss were being looked down upon. It was in the temper of that hr that Hughes composed Negro. The verse form speaks of the mundaneness of the African person while depicting the good utilizations that Africans have been made of. for illustration. in the building of the Woolworth Building ( Hughes. 2007 ) . The Negro Speaks of Rivers is surely non gamy or dejecting like Negro. chiefly because it does non do reference of bondage and victimization as the 2nd. After all. Hughes is contending against unfairness toward African Americans in the 1950s.In the 1920s. his cause was wholly different. If The Negro Speaks of Rivers had made frequent reference of darkness as does Negro. the Harlem Renaissance could non hold been c onsidered a forerunner of hope ( Hughes. 2007 ) . References Hughes. L. ( 2007. Dec 2 ) . Negro. Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext channelise protocol //amandafa. blogspot. com/2007/12/negro-by-langston-hughes. hypertext markup language. . ( 1926. Jun 23 ) . The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain. The State. Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol //www. hartford-hwp. com/archives/45a/360. hypertext markup language. . The Negro Speaks of Rivers.Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol //www. wmrfh. org/dcrews/index_files/Hughes_The % 20Negro % 20Speaks % 20of % 20Rivers. physician. Langston Hughes. Americas Story from Americas Library. Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol //www. americaslibrary. gov/cgi-bin/page. cgi/aa/hughes. Lewis. C. H. ( 2002 ) . The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement in the fiftiess. Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol //www. Colorado. edu/AmStudies/lewis/2010/civil. htm. Race R iot. Lynchings. and other Forms of Racism in the 1920s. Retrieved Mar 15. 2009. from hypertext transfer protocol //www. premise. edu/ahc/raceriots/default. hypertext markup language.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Kimberly Clark Proctor Gamble Diaper Wars Essay
Competition in the serviette patience raged on as Kimberly-Clark (KC) strived to stay ahead of its main competitor, Proctor and pre decennaryd (P&G). By the demolition of 1989, KCs Huggies controllight-emitting diode 32% of the trade sh arethe gamyest of any single product competing in the diaper market. Now facing significant financial constraints, the attraction in personal care products endeavored to make product improvements that would hold market share and outperform Proctor and Gambles Pampers. External Analysis matchless political force affecting KC and the diaper industry is Congress and eleven states introducing legislation taxing, regulating or banning the sale of spendable diapers. Because expendable diapers were non biodegradable, environmentalists were relate about zillions of diapers saturating landfills and possibly contaminating groundwater. Environmentalists lobbied for diapers to be taxed or banned to prevent further environmental degradation. If laws w ere passed taxing or banning disposable diapers, consumers would stop buying Huggies and resort back to cloth. Possible legal restrictions severely threatened the future of the disposable diaper.A second political factor affecting Kimberly-Clark and the diaper industry is ease of entry to europiuman and Nipponese markets. Neither Japan nor europiuman countries imposed political sanctions and foreign regulations preventing KC from entering their markets. A final example of political/legal forces affecting the diaper industry and KC is P&G unlawfully monopolizing the diaper market and violating anti-trust laws. In 1989, Pampers (Proctor and Gambles support diaper line) and Luvs (Proctor and Gambles mid-price diapers) together controlled 49% of the diaper market. P&Gs violation of anti-trust laws could prevent KC from having an equal probability to gain market share and every percentage of market share lost would follow KC $6-10 million in profit. Because diapers accounted for 37 % of Kimberly-Clarks net income, P&Gs monopolization could significantly impact KCs future.An economic factor affecting Kimberly-Clark and the diaper industry is the increase in disposable income by women working outside their homes. The increase in disposable income al busteds KC and its competitors to successfully sell disposable diapers at premium prices.There are several social/ heathenish forces affecting KC and the diaper industry, as previously mentioned, there was an increase in consumer activism. Environmentalists and environment eachy concerned customers expressed concerns over disposable diapers potential health risks for sanitation workers and groundwater pollutants. Also, disposable diapers received harsh criticism for non being biodegradable. Landfills contained approximately 4-5.5 billion pounds of toss away diapersnearly five percent of total volume. Environmentalists were determined to stop further pollution, which seemed inevitably detrimental to KC and other dia per manufacturers.Another social/ pagan force was an aging population. Fortunately for KC, there is a positive relationship between the number of elderly persons and the need for incontinence products. According to statisticians, 31 million North Americans were over age 65 and 10% had incontinence issues. Because Kimberly-Clark has extensive knowledge in producing diapers, feminine products, toilet paper and other paper products, they could slow create diapers for adults. A troika social/cultural force is the extended amount of time children spent in diapers. The diaper extension led KC to introduce Pull-Ups, which targeted toddlers being potty-trained. Other social/cultural forces allow in a decrease in family size and more mothers working outside the home (mentioned above).A scientific force affecting Kimberly-Clark and the diaper industry was the introduction of super-thin engineering science. Super-thin technology was created by using polyacrylate, a powder crystal that abs orbs 50 times its free weight in liquid. The introduction of super-thin technology created more shelf space for Huggies and reduced shipping costs (more diapers fit in a truck). A second technological factor is industry spending on R&D. P&G and KC spent approximately $110 million annually on research and Development. As previously mentioned, every percent of market share gained equals $6-10 million in profit. Kimberly-Clark and its competitors worked to create breakthrough inventions that would steal customers away from Proctor and Gamble.A third technological force affecting KC and the diaper industry is patent protection. Due to heightened competiveness in the industry, P&G and KC took strenuous efforts to protect their technology from competitors. KC and P&G were extremely suspicious of one another and frequently sued over use of proprietary technologies (gains from lawsuits were negligible).Some of the political/legal, economic, social/cultural and technological forces are sim ilar in other parts of the world. For example, a social/cultural force in Japan and Western European countries is the ever-changing role of women. Like North America, the number of Japanese and Western European women working outside the home increased. Unlike Western and Japanese women, Southern Europe had few mothers working outside the home. A social/cultural trend in Japan that is frequent diaper changes. Japanese parents change their children twice as often as North Americans. Also, Japanese avoided the use of non-biodegradable plastics.Forces that drive industry competition are threat of new entrants, rivalry among existing firms, threat of succor products or services, bargaining power of buyers and bargaining power of suppliers. The most important forces are rivalry among existing firms and threat of new entrants. The five forces are discussed severally below.Some factors that affect the threat of new entrants are product differentiation, capital requirements, access to dif fusion channels and economies of scale. Kimberly-Clark sought to differentiate itself from competitors through extensive advertising. It use coupons, commercials and product placement to convince customers that Huggies are the best diapers. It used product placement by showing customers that even baby Elizabeth in Baby sweep through wears Huggies diapers. Successful advertising campaigns created a high barrier of entry to new firms hoping to enter the market.Another factor that prevented new competition from entering the market is high capital requirement. The machines used to produce diapers cost between $2-4 million and were several feet long. New firms that lacked capital to purchase machines would automatically be barred from competition. Access to distribution channels also affected the threat of new entrants. Retailers created their own mid-priced/ get market diapers and were often reluctant to give shelf space to competing firms (in the mid/low price segment). Retailers abil ity to earn profit margins on their own products outweighed revenue enhancement from firms purchasing shelf space. A final factor that prevented new entrants is economies of scale. Large companies, such as KC and P&G, created similar products and could take advantage of existing distribution channels, resources and facilities. Overall, threat of new entrants in well-fixed.Factors affecting rivalry among existing firms include the number of competitors, stride of industry growth, capacity, fixed costs, product or service characteristics and height of exit barriers. The number of firms competing in the diaper industry is relatively low. P&G and KC are the only firms competing in the premium diaper market and control 81% of market share. Other firms and retailers compete in the lower price segment however, they target a different audience than premium diaper manufacturers. A second factor contributing to rivalry among existing firms is rate of industry growth. Because birthrate is declining, there is little market share to be gained. Therefore, market share cannot be gained unless interpreted away from competitors. Rivalry among competition is unfavorable.A third factor affecting rivalry is capacity. Kimberly-Clark and its competitors must operate their plants at full capacity to lower unit costs. They also have regional plants in multiple locations to reduce transportation costs. Another factor affecting rivalry is the amount of fixed costs. Diapers are expensive to produce, market and sell, as previously mentioned, machines cost between $2-4 million. Height of exit barriers also influences rivalry. Exit barriers are low. Throughout Huggiess existence, legion(predicate) firms have entered and left the diaper market. For example, Johnson & Johnson, Borden, Scott and International Paper all unsuccessfully created diapers.Some factors that contribute to threat of substitute products or services are cloth diapers and two piece diaper systems. Increased environm ental concerns led some customers to choose to dress their babies in cloth diapers as opposed to disposable. Initially, cloth diapers were seen as more environmentally friendly do to their reusable nature. framework diapers posed a serious threat to disposable diapers until KC and P&G convinced customers that cloth was more detrimental to the environment (laundering cloth diapers created ten times more water pollution). Another substitute for disposable diapers is the two-piece diapers created by Fischer-Price and Gerber. Threat of substitute products or services is somewhat unfavorable for firms in the diaper industry.Bargaining power of buyers was influenced by the buyers ability to integrate backwards, margins from diaper sales and brand-names. Many of the retailers that sold Kimberly-Clarks diapers also created their own lines sold at lower prices. Another factor contributing to the bargaining power of buyers is the low profit-margins retailers made off diaper sales. Over one-th ird of KCs revenue came from diaper sales. Brand loyalty decreased the bargaining power of buyers. Parents with young children may only shop at places that sell the kind of diapers their baby wears. If the retailer chooses not to sell diapers, it could lose business. Bargaining power of buyers is unfavorable for the diaper industry.Bargaining power of suppliers is affected by inability to integrate forward and technology. As previously mentioned, super-thin technology was achieved by using polyacrylate. Unfortunately for KC and P&G, only one firm, Cellanese, had a license to make polyacrylate in the United States. Substitutes for polyacrylate were not readily available, so Kimberly-Clark and its competitors were dependent upon a single firm for super-thin technology. Cellanese had significant supplier power over its buyers. It could control price increases and business deals. Although Cellanese could make polyacrylate, they did not have the ability to integrate forward. Cellanese wa s a chemical firm and diaper production was not one of its competencies. Inability for supplier to integrate forward is favorable for KC. The bargaining power of suppliers is unfavorable for firms in the diaper industry.When evaluating the external environment, it is important for firms to recognize opportunities and threats. Some opportunities are a large un-served mid-price market, changing demographics and priorities of North American women, Japanese markets, expansion into Southern Europe, aging population and new technology. Threats include Japanese companies consider global expansion, rising environmental concerns, saturated disposable diaper market and declining birthrate. Each opportunity and threats application to Kimberly-Clark is described below.Seventy-five percent of new mothers in the 1980 are working outside the home. Families began to esteem time over money and were more willing to pay premium prices for quality diapers. Also, the decrease in family size increased t he amount of money that could be spent on diapers. This is an opportunity because it allowed KC to successfully sell Huggies at premium prices. A third opportunity for Kimberly-Clark is Japanese markets. Selling Huggies in Japanese markets is an opportunity because they had not reached the same level of maturity as North American markets. Also, as previously mentioned, Japanese babies use twice as many diapers than Americans. The Japanese market was comparable in size to the North American market. Expansion into Southern Europe is an opportunity for growth out-of-pocket to the low discernment levels and unsophisticated competitors. In 1989, there was no large European industry leader. KC has the potential to become the leading diaper distributer in Europe if they execute successful marketing campaigns.An aging population is an opportunity for KC to increase its incontinence product sales. Sales for 1990 were estimated to exceed $1 billion due to the increase in people over age 65. In the future, the incontinence market is projected to become more profitable than diapers. A final opportunity for Kimberly-Clark is new technology. Utilizing and taking advantage of new technology is an opportunity because it allows KC to outperform P&G and regain market share.A threat that affects Kimberly-Clark is Japanese companies consider global expansion. Japanese expanding globally would hurt KC because Japanese diaper technology is years ahead of North American. Japanese companies, specifically KAO and Unicharm, create biodegradable diapers. Due to recent environmental concerns, KC would lose market share to Japanese companies if they penetrate the North American market. Rising environmental concerns are a threat to Kimberly-Clark because environmentalists feared potential health risks for sanitation workers and ground water contamination. They were lobbying to ban disposable diapers and pushing for consumers to use cloth diapers instead. Kimberly-Clark could lose custome rs to environmentally-friendly diapers if they do not create a biodegradable diaper. Another threat to KC is a saturated disposable diaper market. A saturated disposable diaper market is a threat to KC due to little growth in the diaper industry. The only market share to be gained must be taken away from competitors. A final threat to KC and the diaper industry is the declining birthrate. A declining birthrate and decrease in family size is positively related to a decrease in diaper sales.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Achieving the Goal Essay
How will I achieve the object? There are many things expiration through my head when I think about the question, only when there are only a few important ones that stick out the most. Achieving the goal would be for me to do everything in my power to do the very take up I can in college so when I do finish I can become a physical therapist. For me to achieve my goal, Im going to have to work hard and study even harder so I can get the very best grades while going to Victoria College.I know that college isnt easy and sometimes it is going to be difficult, but I will not let that stop me from getting my goal. I also know that college is very different from high school. So that means that Im going to need to work ten times harder than I did back then. I believe that by studying and giving my very best at everything I do in college, I will achieve my goal. I just have to remember that I cant try up even when it gets hard because that will get me nowhere.Besides doing my best in coll ege, Im going to need to balance my job as a mother of three and the duties of a house wife. Balancing kids and keeping up with everything that comes with the responsibilities of a wife, home, and family is just another step on the path to achieving my goals. Having a family while also going to school full time can be tough. Sometimes when I get home Im commonplace and really dont feel like doing any homework, but I know that I have to.This sometimes can lead to procrastinating. Ive gone to school before while having one child and falsifyd just fine with school and work, so I know that I can do it again this go around of college too. Time management is the key though. Having a social life is something else I have to balance with college I believe that I can do all the things I want to with my friends and family and still be able to succeed in college. All I have to do is manage my time and keep my priorities straight. I have to think which is more important, hanging out and watchi ng the football game with friends and family or studying for an upcoming test. studying of course.I can do all the things I want to do with my family and friends as long as I dont let it strike my school work. So when I finish my time at Victoria College, I want to transfer to University Houston-Victoria. It has always been my dream to go to a University and describe my kids proud. Its just another step inachieving my goal.While I am at UHV, I want to succeed at everything I do so I can graduate with a Bachelors degree and then even go on to getting a passe-partouts degree as well. So hopefully when my time is done at UHV, I will have become a physical therapist. Something I have wanted to be for a while now. When it is all said and done with college and I do become a physical therapist, then I know that I have finally reached my goal for myself, my kids, and my husband. All I have to remember is that I cant lose focus of my goals and dreams, because if I do then I will never ach ieve true happinessmy goal
Friday, May 24, 2019
Synthetic vs. Natural: an Analysis of Costuming in Blade Runner
Ben Boudreau Professor Butorac English 151 10 May 2010 Synthetic vs. Natural An Analysis of Costuming Used in Blade set-back Blade Runner written by Scott Bukatman and published in 1997 discusses the making of, and larger issues addressed, in Ridley Scotts claim Blade Runner (1982). Bukatman, an Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies at Stanford University, has written several(prenominal) books on film. His book takes a look at the film formally, ideologically, and even historically.He addresses the film formally by talking about the production of the film. He briefly discusses the process of refining the films script which is loosely based on the book Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? by Phi mouthpiece K. Dick. Bukatman talks of Blade Runners design, touching on the narration, the production of the props and set, special effects, and filming of the film. In his ideological analysis of the film he touches on larger social issues in the film such as urbanization, immigrat ion, racism, and post modernism.On develop 19 Bukatman says With its city that resembles nothing so much as a vast boundless refinery and its world that no longer contains any traces of reputation This discussion of the set and props hint at the problems of urbanization as visualizen in the film. Bukatman utilizations the androids as examples for how the film can be viewed as addressing racism and immigration. The paranoia against the androids could represent the racism against Asians which was growing at that time in American history due to Asians expanding economic influence (Bukatman 74).Racism against blacks is shown by the androids classification of non- homophile because during the time of slavery in America, blacks were withal not viewed as human universes (Bukatman 75). One way post-modernism is addressed, according to Bukatman, is by begging the question what does it mean to be human? This question is a major theme by dint ofout Bukatmans book. In this paper I wi ll discuss the issues of the environment and industrialization. I plan on doing this done the use of costuming in the film. I will analyze the use of synthetic versus natural costuming.This paper will cover the wardrobes worn by wrick Deckard, Pris, and Rachael. wrestle Deckard, played by Harrison Ford, is the protagonist in Scotts Blade Runner. Known as a blade runner, Deckard is a member of the Los Angeles law department who is employed to retire genetically designed humanoids known as replicants. These replicants were designed by the Tyrell Corporation to do work in off-world colonies. Because of their superior effectivity and comparable intelligence, the replicants were viewed as a threat to the human race. After a bloody uprising on an off-world colony they were deemed illegal on earth.In response, Rick Deckard and his group of blade runners are put in agency to hunt down and retire these humanoids. Deckard lives in futuristic Los Angeles set in 2019. The city depict by Bukatman is a vast, boundless refinery, which no longer contains any trace of nature (19). Deckards costuming throughout the film differs greatly from the rest of the characters. He wears a large brown sport coat with patch pockets for most of the film. The coats color is very earthy and natural facial expression in likeness to other characters costumes. It looks unpressed and wrinkled as if nothing has been done to modify its look.Underneath he wears several different dress shirts all with basic patterns and tone down colors, along with a plaid styled tie. His pants appear to be dark gray, possibly flannel but nothing remarkable. It is almost as if Deckard is your typical work class male found on any large citys street during the 1980s. I believe he can be viewed as representing the past, a time where a natural environment existed and urban landscape did not completely dominate the planet. By dressing the films legal guy in natural and earthy attire I believe Scott could be voi cing his opposition to urbanization and the destruction of the natural environment.In the set about of the film you learn that a group of tie 6 replicants have escaped from an off-world colony and traveled to earth illegally. They have come to earth in hope that their creator, Tyrell, can extend their short life spans of only four years. These Nexus 6 replicants, which are said to be more human than human, were designed with superior strength and agility for use on the off-world colonies. One of the escapees is known as Pris. Born on Valentines day, Pris is a basic fun model. She is also the girlfriend of the strongest replicant, Roy Batty.In the film, we follow Pris as she befriends the genetic engineer, J. F. Sebastian, so Roy can get closer to Tyrell, their creator. Throughout this film we see Pris in very unique costuming. We first see Pris wandering the crowded streets alone in the rain, dressed as a classic street prostitute. Her hair is perverted and blonde, looking as if it has been bleached. Around her neck she wears a metal dog collar. A black shirt barely covers her up, and her black nylon tights clearly show her upper thighs. Faint traces of mascara make her eyes appear dark. Anticipating J. F. s route home, she hides outside his apartment disguised under newspapers. J. F. gets off the bus and runs into Pris, not being able to resist the company of a gorgeous girl in his lonely apartment, J. F. invites her in. She spends the night there and quickly becomes friendly with him. The next morning Pris goes through a transformation. She wanders his apartment looking through the endless amount of toys and mannequins. She begins playing with his take a craps, and cakes her face with clownish white powder. Next, she closes her eyes to spray them with a black quaver of spray paint. This make-up on her face gives her a created look.She appears completely unnatural at this assign, and begins to resemble the toys found in J. F. s apartment. She uses thi s ability of looking fake to her advantage when she encounters Deckard in the end of the film. In this scene we see Pris posing completely lifeless among the toys. Her only disguise is a long white veil. She transforms visually into a kind of ghostly bridal doll. In this film, Pris is the polar opposite of Deckard. She wears dark synthetic clothes that appear to be unnatural and fake. Her make-up gives her the appearance of a lifeless toy mannequin. Deckard eventually spots the replicant and a fight ensues.Deckard shoots Pris twice and retires her. I believe the killing of Pris by Deckard gives us another(prenominal) possible example for urbanization and the environment. Pris can be read as one of the evils in this film. Being a replicant, she represents the future, where there is no evidence of nature and the cluttered city dominates the entire landscape. If you look at her costuming, it is very artificial and synthetic looking. Deckard, on the other hand, is dressed naturally and earthy. His killing of Pris could give some(a) evidence of Scotts opposition to urbanization and the future of the environment.One of the most interesting characters in Blade Runner is Rachael. She is the latest experiment of Tyrell, designed because of the flaws of the Nexus 6 models. Tyrell believes that the replicants have started to develop their own emotions. He believes this is due to the fact that they have no framework within which to deal with the formation of new emotions. Tyrell implants memories of his niece into Rachael and also does not reveal to her, until later, that she is a replicant. Rachael figures it out after she is given a Voight-Kampff test. She leaves Tyrell and in desperation turns to Deckard, who is under orders to kill her.Deckard ends up falling in complete with her and spares her life. In the film, we see two different types of costuming for Rachael. In the beginning when Deckard meets Rachael in Tyrells pyramid throne, we see a tall, dark, statuesque woman. With broad squared shoulders, enlarged proportions, straight lines, and lacquered hair she appears to be flawless. She looks to as if she is mechanical, fulfilling her role as a replicant. Later in the movie she goes through a gradual transformation. At this point of the film she is sitting at the piano in Deckards apartment.Rachael is wearing a more feminine dress that paints broad stripes of tan and pickax across her body. As she lets her hair down, we see her change from the artificial hair she wore previously to a bushy and more natural style. We also see Rachael as she transforms from a pale white face with bright red lips to a more tan and feminine face with little or no lip stick. I believe that the transformation of Rachael can be viewed as representing hope. Rachael stands for the future. She is portrayed in the beginning as being very unnatural but through her transformation she becomes more natural looking like Deckard.This could be Scott showing us that there is hope for the future, and that the future can be a place where nature exists. This pinning of good versus evil, natural versus synthetic, is just one of the many ways the costuming of Blade Runner can be read. In Ridley Scotts films, the messages or issues addressed by the film are very subtle. They will never come out and hit you in the face. You often have to watch his films several times and really think about the film after you have viewed it to really understand what he is trying to say. This is what makes Scotts films so great.His films will heighten thought and stay relevant and important to the film industry like few other films can. Even authors such as Scott Bukatman missed what this particular use of synthetic and natural fibers could be saying. Although this message about urbanization and the environment is hidden and could be read a number of different ways, I do believe Scott might be voicing his opposition to urbanization and the destruction of the natural world. Wor ks Cited Blade Runner. Dir. Ridley Scott. Perf. Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young. Warner Brothers, 1982. Film. Bukatman, Scott. Blade Runner. London British Film Institute, 1997. Print.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Juche Ideology and Religion
Juche Ideology and Religion Juche is a Communist led and sponsored religion in North Korea made up of a mixture of ideology, philosophy, and religion for over 22,000,000 lot, just about of which are North Koreans, as state by John Chin of the Religion-Info website (Chin). Juche is practiced, mandatorily, in North Korea by their giving medication leader Kim Jong-Il, and is more of a kind ideology instead of an actual religion. Although, the only appearance this ideology is promoted as a religion is by the way that Juche adopted some of the Confucius ideas.John Chin also states the ideas of Juche following only one considerable attracter, and secondly that the Korean Workers Party revolution belongs to the people (Chin). Then later the idea of effrontery or self-sufficiency as a country was added to Juche which the word itself by Korean language means self-reliance (Adherents. com). Also, Jurgen Kleiner states that Kim Il-Sung created this ideology to save him from political and social obstacles of the day.So, really this religion in my opinion is non a true religion, but actually a social ideology as a matter of fact, if Juche were really a religion then it would be a choice to adhere to not forced wish well it is in North Korea. Juche ideology is practiced majorly in North Korea where the choice is not given to the people on whether they want to believe in something else or to follow the Juche beliefs. By Jurgen Kleiner the Juche ideology saved Kim Il-Sung from getting too deeply involved in the earlier rift between the Soviet Union and china (Kleiner).So, by what Kleiner is saying the Juche ideology was used to keep Kim Il-Sung from being involved with any Soviet or Chinese involvement. This religion does not extradite a main saint who has a life or death childhood experience nor does it have a saint who has a idol experince where the God of their finish passes a vision onto that main saint. The closest thing that Juche has to a main saint figu re, and in the working peoples eye he is a sain by what he declares, is Kim Il-Sung who is then followed by his son Kim Jong-Il.Kim Il-Sung who creates the social ideology of Juche declares one main ideal of Juche to be that in that respect is one Great Leader who is to lead the world to the utopian philosophy (Oh and Hassig). Also, Kim Il-Sung makes it to where Juche is the only religion to have the proper methods by which paradise is able to be achieved. Now in my eyes these ideas are not the way that Juche can be called a religion. As I have stated, and go away state again, I believe that Juche is not a religion, but actually a social ideology that is forced upon its people.Kim Il-Sung is qualification the typical dictator move to secure power over his subjects by making a nation wide religion. The easiest way that he procures much(prenominal) a feat is by finding the most abundant social class and makes them the most valuable of the social ideology. The manner in which Kim Il-Sung makes this religion such an accepted ideology among the common people is by the way in which he proclaim the Korean Workers Party revolution belonged to the people, and by making this move Kim Il-Sung has the entire working social class behind him to support him.By making this heinously important move Kim Il-sung guarantees himself the survival of this ideology because of how the societal notions are regulated in North Korea. Secondly though, by Kim Il-Sung making this move he allows there to be someone to lead such a large group of people. So, Il-Sung by making such a large group without a leader comes up with the idea of a Great Leader in which the people who believe in Juche should follow, and who will also lead the world to the idea of a utopian society and paradise on Earth.Juche ideology made by Kim Il-Sung also led to the idea that there would be an abolishment of the social classes. Il-Sung stated that only with the establishment of communism, in which there would be no competing classes- the working class having taken control of the means of production- would contradictions disappear. If this dissolve of social classes is so important in the Juche beliefs then Kim Il-Sung should not have made the idea that the Korean Workers Party was so important.I am sure that Il-Sung is victimization the Juche ideology to control the people of Korea because if the absolving of social classes is so important then the idea that the Korean Workers Party belonging to the people would no longer be applicable to the ideology of Juche beliefs. Making the Korean Workers Party an important part of Juche ideals goes completely against the belief of having social classes wrench absolved because if the working class is so important then how could the Korean working social class still be important. Il-Sung made a defect in adopting the idea that the Korean Workers Party s being so important while also saying that the social classes will be absolved. Now, the closest that Juche comes to being a religion is by how some beliefs of Confucianism are adopted. The ideas that are adopted are family values, material possessions, and self-sacrifice. The adoption of family values in that the family is important in society does coincide with the idea of getting rid of societal classes, but also the adoption also could lead to a collide with between these ii ideas by how a rich family would treat its own family members as say a poor family.Family values are adopted to aid strengthen society by making those family systems stronger in the way that they commune with each other and by the way they act with each other. The adoption of how to cumber material possessions in life makes Juche closer to being a true religion in my eyes. Juche takes the idea that material possessions are not important in how life is valued, but that the family values that are shared and learned are more important. The adoption that material possessions come easily and go just as easily stresses the sizeableness of the people and the bond between each other and not their possessions.Lastly, the adoption of the idea of self-sacrifice also strengthens the idea of absolving society to the question of where an individual is not more important than the whole. Although, with Juche having the main ideology of one Great Leader then that is the only individual that should not be sacrificed because of the importance that that specific individual holds in their acts. So, in part this idea of one Great Leader the idea of self-sacrifice cannot be fully applied so there is another contradiction in the ideology and belief system of Juche practice.So, overall in everything I have presented I believe that Juche is not a religion nor will it ever be one even if it were to adopt other ideals of other religions, and the reason it would not be even with the other adoptions is because of the two main reasons the foundation of Juche has in its own beginning. The two main beliefs of the Korean Workers Party being so important, and the belief of one Great Leader. Juche is not a religion, but rather a form of social ideology used to control a nation and her people. Kim Il-Sung making such a monumental Communist move to control theKorean people, and then trying to justify such a move by approving what he did as a form of religious worship does not make Juche a religion. In all actuality in my eyes, what Kim Il-Sung did was basically make himself a God by claiming himself and his male descendants as the Great Leader is the biggest flaw in Juche ideology, and will that single fact can keep Juche from being a religion. Also as a final side-note and to be kind of funny, another way I know that Juche is not a religion is because everytime I have typed it so far it is underlined by the red line as if I have mistakenly miswritten a word.If juche were a religion then I would not see that red line. Works Cited Adherents. com. Major Religions of the World. January 2000. 4 April 2009 . Chin, John. RELIGION-INFO. COMA Guide to Religions, Religious Information and Help in Search for God. 21 December 2004. 6 April 2009 . Kleiner, Jurgen. Korea, A Century of Change. World Scientific, 2001. Marshall Cavendish Corporation. World and Its Peoples Eastern and Southern Asia. Marshall Cavendish, 2007. Oh, Kong Dan and Ralph c. Hassig. North Korea Through the Looking Glass. Brookings Institution Press, 2000.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
“a Caring and Supportive Family Is the Main Building Block of a Community.†Discuss.
- A pity and view asive family is the main(prenominal) build block of a community. Discuss. Family can be defined as a group of great deal who bring forth blood ties and who usually live under superstar roof forming a small community.The traditional concept of this would be a man and a woman who have a legal bond living under whizz roof with their offspring but when peck alter this arrangement the posterior arrangement that arises does non make obsolete the bonds and relationships and the influence each member of that unit has on each other to form values and ethics that would add together towards the building of communities. As such a caring and die touchyive family is the main building block of a community as it financial aids to mould individuals into positive favor qualified characters and personalities who bear towards building a healthy community.However sometimes even though the family is caring and supportive the individual whitethorn fall in to become one who contributes positively towards building a healthy community, on the other hand there may be individuals who come from dysfunctional families but are equal to contribute towards the community because of other detailors. The texts that will be used are The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, Muriels Wedding directed by P J Hogan and The Family by Anne Deveson.Firstly a caring and supportive family moulds an individual into a positive social character by building self-esteem and by guiding and portion the individual to realise the voltage he or she has. ts They may even sacrifice to ensure that the individual is taken care off and disruptions to the individuals intent is minimised thus helping the person face traumatic experiences and eventually develop in them a social conscience to reach out to help the community.On the other hand, when there is no care and support that ensures that the welfare of the individual is secured than the individual may feel cut adrift and may omit all th eir self-esteem and feel that they are a useless member of society and as such may only focus on their possess needs and become insensitive to the needs of others and end up not contributing towards building a better community. This can be seen from the haracters in the romance The Outsiders where the two older brothers, Darry and Sodapop, sacrifice their futures and take on the responsibleness to hold the family unit together to give stability to the life of their younger brother Ponyboy. They do this so that Ponyboy has the opportunity to fulfil his potential by having a s fudge home, guidance and support to excel in his studies so that he can have a better life. Pony is eventually able to weather the storms that he faces because his brothers stick by him and support him emotionally and physically.When Pony gets hurt saving the children from the tan church and is sent to the hospital, Darry is at the hospital waiting for him even though it is Ponys unthinking actions that got Pony into trouble. Darry does not give up and call back from Ponyboy. In the same token Sodapop does his trounce to try and help Darry and Pony understand each other. Darry and Sodapop are there for Pony all the time and Darry nurses and cares for him give care a mother when Pony collapses after Johnny and Dallys death.Darrys perseverance in caring for Ponyboy and Sodapops emotional support and apprehensiveness eventually manages to shake Pony out of his stupor and depression and he begins to understand his brothers and their needs. This in turn helps Pony to take a grip of his life and come to terms with the grief and trauma of losing loved ones and to move on with his life. It is then that he is able to see that he has a social responsibility to tell people the story of Johnny and Dally so that they can understand boys who live on the wrong side of the cities better.Thus the care and support of his family is what helps Pony through his traumatic experiences and moulds him to b e a person who is able to care about others and awakes in him a social conscience which helps to build a strong community. On the other hand Muriel from the movie Muriels Wedding has little care and support that helps her develop her potential. Her family is dysfunctional. Her father is a corrupt pol who bribes and takes bribes. He is likewise very loud and bullies his wife and children and constantly makes derogatory remarks about them and especially Muriel all the time.Added to this he also commits adultery and blatantly brings his buff into family gatherings. Muriel does not get any form of guidance from her mother, Betty, who is weak and meek and blinds herself about the state of her marriage by ignoring the blatant adulterous relationship her maintain is having with Deidre. Betty bes to cope with these problems by retreating and blurring out details she cant face. This lack of guidance and bad examples in Muriels family results in moulding Muriel into some one who has low s elf-esteem as well as ethics.She does not think twice about using the blank cheque her mother gives her by slip and uses all the money in the account in pursuing her own gratification by going to the same resort as her so called friends. visual perception how her Father makes use of friendships for his own gains, Muriel too, later, uses Rhondas friendship and support, when she runs away to Sydney, to fulfil her dreams of having a life similar to an Abba song. When Rhonda gets ill, she promises Rhonda to be there for her but eventually throw out Rhonda when she realises that Rhonda will not be able to walk.She deserts her friend who is in need at that wind without a tinge of guilt and does not seem to be bothered by the fact that she has betrayed a truly sincere friend. Thus it is clear that Muriel is such a selfish character because of the lack of support and care from her family that have moulded her into a person who could only care for herself and her needs, without any social conscience to look to the needs of another which thus makes her an individual that would not be able to contribute towards building community.A caring and supportive family can also help an individual to develop positive personality traits such as the ability to overcome debilitating circumstances such as poverty and an unstable childhood and take his or her place in the community. On the other hand if the family is dysfunctional, the individual may not be motivated to do anything to get out of the rut and make something of himself or herself by acquire a job and contributing positively to the building of the community.We can see how positive family support helps Anne Deveson from the passage titled The Family to learn to deal with her debilitating circumstances of poverty and an unstable childhood. From what she writes we learn that she and her family go through very hard times with points in their life when her parents could barely keep food on their table let alone enjoy the lu xury of going for a movie. They have to constantly move and have to share their homes with other families. At one point the family even faces physical separation, yet we know that Anne eventually becomes a successful writer despite this background.Anne herself tells that she was able to do so because no matter how hard life became she did not lack warmth affection and loving. Through all their difficulties the parents always communicate as best they can with the children and persevere in holding touch with them although they have problems sharing and talking to each other as can be seen at the time Annes father would visit her on weekends even though they could not communicate with each other. Annes mothers example also taught her how to be resilient and to cope with problems by focal point on something else.Thus Anne learns never to give up and to face life head on to take her destiny into her own hands and contribute towards the building of a community. Conversely, when a family is dysfunctional, it is difficult for an individual to develop positive character traits that will see them contributing positively towards the building of a community. This can be seen in the character of Muriels brother in the movie, Muriels Wedding. From the beginning of the movie this character is portrayed as a jobless lout, who sits around ceremony television all day and orders his mother to do things for him following his fathers example.He also faces verbal abuse from his father who seems to drum into him that he is a useless individual and thus behaves like one too. He, in no way contributes to his family or society. In fact he too becomes a bully like his father and verbally abuses his mother at a time when she is facing emotional trauma because her husband has left her. This insensitivity is probably a catalyst that leads to Bettys suicide. From this it can be seen that an individuals home life influences the individuals character as can be seen in the case of Muriels brother who gets no proper guidance from either mother or father.Added to this, he is only exposed to negative demeanor and examples from the father which results in a lazy and loutish character who has no respect for any one not even his own mother. Thus making him an individual who does not seem to have any motivation and interest to make something of himself and so is unable to contribute towards building community. While families that are caring and supportive help individuals to become people who contribute positively towards building a healthy community, there are also times when they may fail because of other factors that also influence the individual.In the same token an individual may come from a dysfunctional family but may be able to contribute positively towards the community because of other factors. This can be seen in the case of Randy from the novel the outsiders. Randy is influenced by the Socs and especially his best friend track. He joins them in rabble rousing and jumping Greasers. He is also one of those who were with Bob on the night Johnny was jumped and beaten so badly that it caused Johnny to carry a kinfe. As Randy later shares with Ponyboy it becomes obvious that Randy comes from a decent family and one who stands by him in trouble.He is given proper guidance by his father to tell the truth at the inquiry into Bobs death. From this it can be seen that before Bobs death Randy had been a destructive person and joined all the acts of aggression and violence of his group despite a family who was loving and caring. At that point of his life Randy was a person who was not capable of contributing towards the building of a community because he just followed his peers without discerning unspoilt from wrong. He did not do anything to prevent Bob from doing things that caused harm to others and which eventually cost Bob his life.On the other hand there are also times when the family is dysfunctional and yet the individual develops positive c haracter traits and is able to contribute towards building society. This can be seen in the case of Johnny whose family is dysfunctional. He is abused and neglected and finds shelter with his Greaser friends who do their best to be there for him and support him. At first Johnnys world is sodding(a) and so negatively impacted by his home life that he shares with Ponyboy that he feels like committing suicide.But after the incident of his killing Bob and rails away with Ponyboy, Johnny begins to realise that life can be good. At this point in his life it is his Greaser friends who stand by him. This prompts him to decide to transcend and face the consequences of his actions rather than drag Ponyboy down with him and become fugitives from the law. This ability to discern and make a life giving decision leads him to take responsibility that he and Ponyboy may have caused the fire and thus go into the burning church to rescue the children.Johnny thus gives his life so that these childr en may have a chance for a better life than himself. Thus despite coming from a dysfunctional family, Johnny makes decisions that help him achieve personal growth and contribute towards the community because he receives care and support from his friends. In conclusion a caring and supportive family provides an individual with the platform to build self-esteem and realise their potential as well as develop positive personality traits. In this way they can contribute towards the growth of the community.In the same token, despite the fact that they may have a caring and supportive family, ther e are individuals who may fail to contribute positively towards a community and those with dysfunctional families who may end up contributing positively towards a community due to other factors. But the bottom line is that a caring and supportive family is the main building block of the community for we need positive individuals to help influence those who may come from dysfunctional families.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
City Lights Movie Reflection Essay
A film in mummer, I believe, means a romantic comedy where actors express their feelings by miming. The films story was in the first place told through mime actions and the actors a presbyopic with their facial expressions since its the hardly thing that is going on in a silent film, besides the sound. A pantomime uses its technique, in where a story is told using just music, sounds, and the motion and facial expressions. The scene I find memorable is where the main(prenominal) character firsts meets the man exhausting to commit suicide. I find it memorable because the same camera angle was used, and there was little camera movement.The man falling into the water and coming clog out several propagation was shot in one run, if I remember well, and that takes lots of good acting and possibly more than one take was used for that scene. What also made the scene memorable was the lighting, because the scene might have been filmed during the night time, and the lights that were used showed the important places of the scene without showing very much of the background, for example the bench had proper lighting and the place where they jumped in the water did as well.This movies filming is different than modern films because the shot lengths atomic number 18 much longer and there is little camera movement. There were few close-ups and few establishment shots. The only transitions between scenes were fade-outs and fade-ins. Shots also had to be rehearsed several times because film was very expensive and cameras were not digital so things could not be deleted on the spot or filmed over.Because of no sound, filmmakers had to rely on picking good actors, sound effects, and facial expressions. The actors play a huge part because the story can only be told through their motion and or expressions. The music had to be used to show suspense, playful/silly moments, or serious moments. The actors needed to be really well because it was really expensive for shots to be fil med more than once if not needed. The actors needed to know how to show different moods by facial expressions, movement of body, etc.This film is unique because of the long shots and the little camera movement. Charlie Chaplin did a great job at telling a story, and he did so with using few quote screens, and used them only when they were completely necessary. The storyline is also very different in this film. The opening scene of the movie also was irrelevant to the plot, and was used as an introduction to the main character and the type of person he is. I havent seen a single movie similar to City Lights.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Osmosis Triple Science Essay
IntroductionIn this investigation I am investigation if varying the amount of sugar solution or distilled water determines the submerging of cellular telephoneular telephone sap. I bequeath do this by using different concentrations of sugar solution and distilled water. If the medium is hypotonic a lose weight solution, with a higher water concentration than the cell the cell will gain water by means of osmosis. However if the medium is isotonic a solution with exactly the same water concentration as the cell there will be no net movement of water across the cell membrane. If the medium is hypertonic a concentrated solution, with a lower water concentration than the cell the cell will lose water by osmosis.Investigation variablesTo have a controlled reliable investigation I will control the following variablesTo try my best to do the experiments at the same room temperature.I will prepare the cultivated carrots in the same way beca procedure any minor changes can ruin the experiment.The cumulation of the carrots is a dependent variable and this terminology means that the piece of carrot will be measurable constantly throughout the experiment. I will measure in grams, in addition the piece of carrot will be measured before and after it is put into the solution, this will allow us to put one over if any osmosis has taken place.Fourthly the volume of the solution which the carrot pieces are put in mustiness be same for all of them for example all of them should be covered in what is supposed to be covered in. Also I am going to use the same set of scales to measure the carrot pieces in the solution. This is because measurements may vary between the scales.I did this in a lab so everything was chthonian control to make my results very reliable.My hypothesisI predict that the less sugar solution we use the higher the concentration of the cell sap would be.PlanFirst I will take more or less xylem cells from inside of the carrot and some phloem from the outside of the carrotI will take 15 samples of each type of cell from each carrotI will put 3 samples in each solutionI would then leave it for 1 hourThen I would reweigh its chawThen plot these results onto a graphAnd then where the line crosses 0 is the concentration of the cytoplasm terminalAs I conclude I can say that in my investigation I effect out that the more sugar solution you cover in the carrot piece the higher the concentration of cell sap would be and there would be more osmosis activity. However what does mystify me is what you can carry out above, the two outliers because they don not surprisingly fit with the others but I am sure that if we do this investigation again there would be two outliers or less.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Contexts of disabilities Essay
Section 1 = rumpon and polices that decl atomic number 18 the human correctlys and comprehension of idiosyncratics with keying disabilities. 1.1 Identify cur strike legislation and polices used by the cargon sector that argon designed to promote the human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals with discipline disabilities. Legislations and polices is improve the health and well existence of tidy sum with a learning dispower. This legislation and polices balancing their rights with responsibilities. It basic in tout ensembley take forms it against the law to discriminate against plurality due to them having a dis office. Legislation and polices is deliberate genuinely clear rules which every commission sector produce to follow which bother SEN nation life better than before. Employers may still have reason equal to(p) medical criteria for employment.The act defines dis modifyment as a substantial and long term adverse effect on person s ability to carry out daily task. One of the main causes of discrimination is the fear and lack of empathiseing of new(prenominal)s because they atomic number 18 different. In order to prevent discrimination it is important to value mass and wield them differently in order to meet their different deals. -Human Rights guess 1998 become law in 2000 gives people rights that there were wished-for to prevent discrimination -Mental Capacity bend2005. Human beings have value and should be treated evenly base on the fact that they ar human fist. Human worth is non based on exclusively capacity or incapacity. Human rights include the right to life, liberty and security and respect for a buck private and family life is well. England and Wales have had laws against discrimination since the 1960s. The Race Relations Acts of 1965, 1968 and 1976 forbid race discrimination, the Equal Pay Act 1970 and the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 outlawed gender discrimination and the impediment Discrimination Act 1995 outlawed disability discrimination.-C are Standard Act 2000-Disability Discrimination Act 1995-2005- comparison Act 2010-theme wellness service and Community Act 1990-procedure and policies of any organization-Codes of PracticeThis is an act of the parliament of the United Kingdom which has straightaway been replaced by the equation Act 2010. Legislation under the EqA it is unlawfulto discriminate against whateverone who has a disability. The EqA provides protection against discrimination that happens at work, in the provision of services, public functions and premises, and in education. The EqA also deals with discrimination in associations. It does so by do discrimination unlawful in a number of ways, and by providing legal remedies to individuals who experience discrimination1.2 develop how this legislation as authorizeds the day to day experiences of individuals with learning disabilities and their families The legislation who promotes people rights gives protection to people with disabilities non to be discriminated against on the grounds of their disabilities. Parents of tiddlerren with special needs often feel that they are the only ones who bath postponement their youngsters care. This is certainly true to an extent but that doesnt mean that you cant get away for a few hours every now and then. By leaving your child with a trusted sitter or family member you are teaching your child to handle change. Your child bequeath develop the resilience and adaptability that every kid deserves to learn, regardless of over every health. Legislation gives SEN people and familyExplain how policies influence the day to day experiences of individuals with learning disabilities and their families. development disabilities is life succession impairment and usual is reducing the ability of the people to follow independently. Dis satisfactory people have the same fundamental rights as any other people. People with learning disabilitie s should have a endure for their needs and this support is given by family and care worker. It is difficult to paint a portrait of what its like to manage the day-to-day life of a child with SEN Getting a job or education, travelling, going for a drink or to the picture with friends is ordinary activities but for disable people remain difficult to achie. Our day to day practices and attitude are important in how effective this policies and rights are followed in real life.Is very important to family members and carers who are supporting people with learning disabilities to but you may feel confused and distressed. But there is help easy for people and families from health, education and favorable services, 2.1- Explain what is meant by Learning disability give examples of causes of learning disabilities including before fork up, during parenthood and after birth. Having a learning disabilitymeans that people find it harder to learn certain life skills. The lines experienced vary from person to person. There is no clear and widely accepted description of Learning disability. It is important to remember that people with learning disabilities are people first. Someone with daft disabilities may be able to live independently with minimal support, whereas someone with backbreaking and profound disabilities may require 24 hour care, and help with performing most daily living skills.The World Health Organisation defines learning disabilities as a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind. This means that mortal with a learning disability depart have difficulties understanding, learning and remembering, and these difficulties will have an effect on their ability to interact kindly, to communicate with others, to learn new things, and sometimes to undertake physical tasks.Department of Health 2001 Learning disabilities are caused by something that affects the way the brain develops. This may occur when brain is still developing-before birth (pr enatally), during birth, or in early childhood. There are around 1.5 million people in the UK with learning disabilities. These impairments are present when a baby is born or acquired shortly afterwards.These are some examples. Before birth things can happen to the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) that can cause a learning disability. A child can be born with a learning disability if the sire has an accident or illness while she is pregnant, or if the unborn baby develops certain genes Some examples of birth defects that affect the nervous system include Autism, Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and Fragile X syndrome. Autism-Some people with autism are able to live relatively independent lives but others may have accompanying learning disabilities and need a lifetime of specialist support. People with autism may also experience over- or under-sensitivity to sounds, touch, tastes, smells, light or colours. Asperger syndrome is a form of autism. People with As perger syndrome are often of average or above average intelligence. They have less problems with speech but may still have difficulties with understanding and processing language.During birth- A person can be born with a learning disability if he or shedoes not get sufficiency oxygen during childbirth, or is born too early. Anoxia is a human body in which the brain of the baby does not receive enough oxygen to allow it to develop properly. Anoxia can cause certain forms of epilepsy, mental deficiency, cerebral palsy, and behaviour disorders. If the amount of brain damage is not too severe, however, it may be possible to cook up for the disorder to some extent. Epilepsy can often be controlled with drugs, for instance, and many children with cerebral palsy can learn to control their moved(p) muscles.After birth- After birth a learning disability can be caused by early childhood illnesses. Some childhood infections can affect the brain, causing learning disability the most common of these are encephalitis and meningitis. Social and environmental factors, such as poor lodgement conditions, poor diet and health care, malnutrition, lack of stimulation and all forms of child abuse may tip to learning disability. Severe head injury, for example from a road accident, may result in learning disability2.2- State the approximate proportion of individuals with a learning disability for whom the cause is not cognize.2.3- Describe the possible feign on a family of having a member with a learning disability. heading with a childs learning disability is stressful for any paren. How will family members take the word? Some time parents will accept the problem and offer support right away. But some parent avoiding talking close childs LD because they feeling ashamed or hiding something, embarrassed, or guilty. Being in the family of a child with LD is difficult and challenging in every step of your life. These can be a involving practical and emotional issues.There a re medical and educational decisions, financial pressures, and time constraints all likely to represent additional responsibilities for parents. And all typical emotions naturally concern, frustration, anger, self-recrimination and blame also go bad to the pressures normally upsetting to the family stability and divisive to a marriage. also Parents have to balance the demands of all their children, not just those with special needs. eg.. Siblings often feel jealous of all the extra attention a child with LD needs, such as extra help on homework,tutoring, time spent , and may be they quick to say anger or make comments that can hurt.1-Know the difference between the medical and social sit arounds of disability. 1.1/1.2Over the bygone few years there are number of models of disability which have been clear. The two most normally mentioned are the social and the medical models of disability. Medical Model-Medical model of disability views disability as a problem or the victim belongs to the disabled person. Sometime they think is a personal tragedy. They think it is not a concern anyone other than the individual affected. Medical model belief that disable person should make extra effort to see to it that they can do it by them self and not inconvenience anyone else instead then they self. Medical model is professed(prenominal) dominance and there are well qualified, experience and professional people.This model more(prenominal) focuses on the need of persons physical, sensory or mental functioning, and use a clinical way support an individuals disability.Medical model focus is on what person cannot do, rather then what they do. Social Model-Social model is more inclusive. They think disability is a social problem and self help groups and systems benefits disable people enormously. Social model think disable people have individual identity and they should receive all rights and responsibility. They think they should make their own choices. They try a nd make possible for how SEN people can participate in activity on same level with non-disabled people. Social model make some certain adjustment for disabled people so they can enjoy the event and not excluded from. For that some time you have to spend some money and time is well. The principal of the social model is that this should be respected every people whether they disable or not.1.3-Outline how each of the models has developed and evolved over time. bread and butter with disability that is one of the difficulties we cant even imagine what they going through? People say differently, disenable person was also hidden away from the alliance by family members. There was institution run by authorities and DR would recommended to parents placed the child and forget about their by family. they often forgotten about theme. E.g.. Is there children are safe? Is their needs are meet? How and what condition they arelive? In this institution there were many that traded poorly, abuse d, neglected and murdered either by family members or at the pass of institution workers. Sometime there were not enough people to take care of them and so they buttoned baby to their beds even abused physically is well.A lot of them were died at young ages due to severe neglects and abused. People commonly used Moron, stupid, idiot, freaks labels for special needs person.. Most of these pleases are finally closed belt low in 80s, 90s. Now we use group homes and residential treatment programs for todays society. Family also takes care of their disabled children and adults children and grandparents. We have more understanding and empathy now and authorities are more answerable is well. Also people more educated and get more knowledge about disabled people. This changed people view. Not only society but medical model was very limited for disable person. People have not up to date qualification to help disable people. There was very pity and negative attitude in hospital is well. I n hospital Dr and nurse avoid to treat the disabled person. There have no feeling for them and seeing as They feel the society does not accept them therefore they have low self-esteem and lack confidence in themselves. This causes them to back down when they face problems.Children and young people with disabilities face discrimination, this means they are sectioned out, compared to the normal people of the society and they have fewer choices. For example some children/young People are physically disabled which enable them to do such activities and they do not always receive the support they need, due to lack of medical help. Children with disabilities have fewer opportunities compared to other children in society because they cannot always do the things other children can do. Disabled people are still struggling for the right to use public transport, have access to mental synthesis, go to school or college with their friends and siblings or to get a job this has a negative impact o n the disabled children because they lose confidence and they are unable to do the activity the other child is able to do. Lack of confidence will also affect the child in the future.Time is change now because Disability Discrimination Activity (1995) has helped but people with disabilities still often feel that the dominant gloss sees then as different from everyone else. Some parts of societyshows positive attitudes towards disabled children to show that they support them. They try and give an impact that they believe everyone is equal and have the same human rights. Nowadays the government show a positive attitude towards disabled children/ young people and their families by proving help and support legally because of the Disability Act 1995 and 2005 and Every Child Matters 2003These acts give more human rights to disabled children. For example, in schools disabled children are given the right to be educated with normal kids and they are given all the support and encouragement, such as teachers would use sign language to help communicate with the child if needed. Also teachers teach all students sign language so that they are able to communicate with the special need child. This is helpful for the special need child because they feel more comfortable in their environment and equally treated. 1.4- Give examples of where each model of disability may be used in service delivery. moral of medical modelDisable student unable to go to the building because in entrance they have steps. The medical model would recommend and blamed the wheelchair that this is because of the wheelchair, rather than the steps. A teacher who refuses to make a hand-out in a larger font for a visually impaired student. for that reason The student cannot participate in the class discussion A member of staff who refuses to make operable a copy of a PowerPoint presentation before a lecture. This creates a barrier to learning for the dyslexic students in the group who are likely to have a s lower processing and writing speed and who will struggle to understand and record the key pointsExample of Social modelDisable person wants to go in to the building but is it not possible because in building have a step in entrance. under the social model there is solution, they put ramp or the stars lift in to the entrance so that wheelchair user is immediately and easy to go in to the building and participate the event. A teenager wants to live independently in their own home but he cant afford to establish the rent. Under the social model, they find supper claim benefits for the teenager so he can pay rent and live in their own home.A child with visual impairment to read the latest novel, so he can join the cultural activates with everyone else. A solution for social model is that they makes full-text audio recordings available when book is fist published so child can involved in activity and not exclude.2.1 Identify how the principles of each model are reflected in service del ivery. The principal of each model are reflected in service delivery by meeting the additional needs of the disabled person. E.g. A child who is deaf needs support from medical model and specialised equipment from social model, A child who is wheelchair backlash needs a support worker for the medical model and involvement in all activites for the social model. The medical model of disability impacts on the inclusion by needing the rights equipment. The social model of disability impact on the inclusion by needing a supports worker.The medical model of disability impacts on the rights by being able to do activities that able child can do. The social model of disability impacts on the rights by having the freedom of choices. The medical model self-government having and provide special materials, help and support and the right medication. The social model finds individuals needs by having one to one time every so often and having the proper facilities. 2.2 Explain how each of the mod els of disability impacts on theInclusionThe Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS and the National Curriculum give clear guidances on an inclusive approach to learning and assessment. The EYFS provides a statement on the occupation of settings to meet the needs of all children in relation. We moldiness respect people as they are and not discrimination due to any of team and condition and treat them all same. All children should get the same attention and service. E.g. all children should get the same fodder menu, and play unneurotic regarding of sex, race and disability. Inclusion also involves eliminating discrimination and promoting equality. Throughout its work, the Council is committed to being inclusive valuing and reflecting the full multifariousness of the community it serves. It will believe and communicate that We should focus on individualityTreat children with equal concern, not all the sameAvoid stereotypingProvide positive imagesWhen we start re fire this barriers and make sure that all children and family can be feel include and part of it. Working towards inclusion involvedWe need to answer in such a way that barriers to participation, learning and achievement are removed, inclusion and equality are promoted and a high quality education for all is developed and sustained. An inclusive approach reflects a move away from a deficit model which focuses on aspects of the learner as the problem, where the learner is viewed as substandard in some way. A deficit model also pays inadequate attention to factors such as social expectations, or aspects of the education system or learning environment that could be changed to enable versatile learners to participate and learn. Also, categorising an individual or a group by a single or a few characteristics may be misleading and doesnt recognise the whole person. Developing inclusion will involve learners, professionals, partners, parents, carers and the wider community.RightsInclusion also involves elimi nating discrimination and promoting equality. Diversity of It will believe and communicate that Everyone have to right to be includedEveryone has the right to be treated fairlyEveryone has the right equality of accessWe must respect people as they are and not discrimination due to any of team and condition and treat them all same. All children should get the same attention and service. E.g. all children should get the same food menu, and play together regarding of sex, race and disability.Autonomy inescapably of individuals2.3-Explain how own practice promotes the principal of inclusionDisability Discrimination Act 1995Protects the rights of all those with disabilities. It also places a duty on schools (and other organisations) to eliminate barriers to match thatindividuals can gain equal access to servicesDisability Discrimination Act 2005Places a duty for schools to produce a Disability Equality Scheme (DES) and an Access Plan. Schools must encourage participation in all aspects of school life and eliminate harassment and unlawful discrimination Special Educational Needs andDisability Act 2001Makes it unlawful for educational providers to discriminate against pupils with a special educational need or a disability Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000Outlines the duty of organisations to promote good relationships between people from different races. Human Rights Act 1998 Sets out rights of all individuals and allows them to take action against authorities when their rights have been affected Children Act 1989 Sets out the duty of local authorities (including schools) to provide services according to the needs of children and to ensure their safety and welfare Children Act 2004 Sets out the duty to provide effective and accessible services for all children and underpins the five Every Child Matters outcomesEducation Act 1996 Sets out the schools responsibilities towards children with special educational needs. The Act also requires schools to provide additiona l resources, equipment and / or additional support to meet their needs Equality Act 2010 Sets out the legal responsibilities of public bodies, including schools, to provide equality of opportunity for all citizens. This brings together nightclub equality laws.
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